This Week’s Reflection (#6)

For the past few weeks our group has honestly been hanging by a thread as far as organization. It has been three weeks since we have had all members of our group together in the same room, there has been already been changes made because of our inability to get certain resources in time, and up until recently everyone in our group had a different idea of what we were doing. However, despite the chaos we have managed to pull together as a team and make some progress, which will hopefully give us a good foundation for no problems moving forward.

Among the people absent for alternating days were our: Directly Responsible Individual, and supplier of the majority of our tools. On the days we were missing our DRI, I had to temporarily take his place as an engineer, because being the 7th person in the group my job is to fill the gaps. So my jobs were to basically construct the machine with Nolan and Harry, according to the blueprint Tylo was drawing. Unfortunately we were still missing a DRI at that
point, but Nolan almost immediately took charge and I was really quite impressed. He made several decisions about what we had to lose our keep on the machine that I feel made the plan more realistic while keeping a level of intricacy

Now while the basic machine was being built, Kirby and Harry did a great job on the finer details of the project. They both worked on metaphorical additions, including drawings and small structures, but more impressively they also did their original jobs of documentor, and architect.

Looking back I feel like if we planned a little better, less would’ve gone wrong and we would’ve been on the same page from the beginning, possibly resulting in a better finished project. In the next few days I would like our group to communicate better, so we can have a little more of a rhythm to our work. In the end, if nothing else I can say we have learned from our mistakes, and we have room to improve by the time exhibition day comes along.

Below is a video of some of our work.

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