This year in PLP has been different than the rest. It is the first year we only had two classes, there were many students that quickly became part of the PLP family, as well as some new teachers, it is also the first year where other classes actually became difficult. As the program changes and grows, as a learner so do I.
During the many interviews I’ve conducted this year I developed many skills that help me not just in the classroom but in the real world, and will continue to assist me through post secondary and beyond. In previous years it was a feat to simply do an interview. This year I learned and developed the skills it took to write a question to not only extract facts but stories. Despite being a different format of interview a good example of this was when Helmut Lemke guest spoke in the PLP hangar. Even after he told his story to an extent that could be seen as the whole picture, I formed questions that he was eager to answer, and when he did, unlocked new concepts that were otherwise not present. Based on the concepts of this interview, Myself, Cashel, Teva and Tom, created a podcast of a raw length of thirty minutes, and an edited length of twenty. I used the concepts I was able to unlock from Mr. Lemke and turned those concepts into a podcast that tells his incredible story, and is also a cause for discussion. So much so that it was even featured on The Canadian Memory Project’s twitter page.
Jackson from @PLPSeycove wrote a thoughtful response to a Memory Project speaker's visit. Read it here:
— The Memory Project (@Memory_Project) May 11, 2017
In previous years my main problem has been meeting project deadlines, though this year it still isn’t perfect I have showed improvement in my time management. In term three my work was better and on time more frequently, and given that my schedule and timetable was busier in term three I see that as something to be proud of. Sometimes there would be an assignment that wouldn’t be up to the standards I would like but I would make sure to show my understanding of the concepts covered in class in other assignments. When we covered the concept of fear through the nuclear power blog post I felt like I didn’t show my full understanding so I dove deeper in my concept Paragraph/blog post. In my concept blog post I talked about a recent event that I found interesting and extracted some of my favourite concepts from the texts we’ve covered this year.
Another example of my commitment and work ethic in PLP is the Debate Exhibition project. Leading up to the exhibition I reviewed the texts we covered this year but also researched alternative texts and events outside of the standard curriculum. When it came to the debate night I feel that I properly demonstrated the skills I developed in preparation including the speaking skills we rehearsed. The first speaking practice we did in the unit I did alright but my hands were shaking and that was just in front of twenty people I already knew. At the debate I felt completely different I felt comfortable and even eager to share what I had to say. Unfortunately we didn’t make it out of the first round, which was only frustrating because I feel like we had so much more to offer, I would’ve liked to see how far we could have gone.
In review, this year has been another good one, it feels great to be moving in the right direction. Now I have one more year to perfect it, and knock on wood, I think it will be the year I finally, finally, meet my potential.