Summer SLC – 2016

Best Work

The work that I think best demonstrates my growth as a learner is my Canada’s History Essay. Even though this wasn’t a mandatory imageassignment, and wasn’t even for marks I thought it showed great improvement from the essays I handed in prior to it. In my earlier
essays I struggled to dive deeper into the question or theme and that usually resulted in mediocre work. This time was different only because I did more thinking, more research and less writing. In some other essays my research was limited, but this time I included different sources. In this essay I had a better understanding of the topic and that resulted in a more interesting piece of writing.


Work That Could Be Improved

Work that I wish I could get back is the Little Big Stories I did based on my time in the south. I don’t think that I really lacked effort but I feel like the quality of them wasn’t as good as it could’ve been. Both of the stories featured good content, and both showed promise, but I feel like they never really got pushed through to the next level. If I were to improve them, the main thing I would have to do would be fix a lot of the audio. This would probably take a long time and a lot of effort because the raw audio of the interview I have is interrupted once every couple of seconds by other voices. I would have to find out a way to break it down and fix out all the excess noise.

Here is a little clip of what I’m talking about:

Reflection Of The Year

My goal from last SLC, I believe was about time management between sports relaxation and work. It’s hard to measure to what level on which I met my goal because I got less busy sometimes with sports and would have more school work and vice versa. Other times I would barely have anything for sports or school, then the next week I would be overloaded in both. Overall I think I achieved my goal to become more balanced, or I am at least creeping in the right direction, hopefully I can further improve next year.

From the overnight trips at the start of the year, to the Chinatown field trips, to the DI tournament, imageto the recent Deep South Field Study, this year has been as fun as it has been an educational experience. I have had so many great opportunities this year and I appreciate each one, especially since now I see the result, and how the work has paid off.

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