The Ultimate Design Challenge
For this project we had to choose a building or object and then design it in a CAD program. We had to then figure out the surface area to volume ratio of that object....
For this project we had to choose a building or object and then design it in a CAD program. We had to then figure out the surface area to volume ratio of that object....
Destination Imagination In this project we made a bridge that had to span 30 cm but could go all the way to spanning two meters. In the project we worked in groups and my...
In this project we learned about the Middle Ages but really we learned about the later half of the Middle Ages and not the time after the collapse and fall of Rome. It...
In this project, we learned a lot about chemistry, but even more about coding. Throughout the project, we did a few experiments and a lot of theorizing, but most of all (in my case...
Through the start of this year I have been learning a lot. I learned less about the subject of the projects than I did about how to actually do the projects. The only thing...
Star Wars A somewhat long time ago in a galaxy approximately 1 kilometre away, our glorious teacher told us about the next big project we were going to do. A Star Wars themed mini...
For the last few weeks I have as many others have been doing the Student Blogging Challenge. It was fun and I did a lot of work on it. So lets do a recount...
My family celebrates many of the same holidays as every European or Canadian, but some we celebrate slightly differently, like Christmas where we stay up late around the Christmas tree waiting until our parents...
This project was about art. Not just any art though, it was about art on the iPad. Throughout it we learned about tracing, making logos, sketch-noting, and about all the different settings there were...