I’m tired, and why is that?
Welcome to another, amazing, flabbergasting, stupendous blog post from yours truly.
My first spring exhibition was an interesting experience. Overall, I enjoyed it, but there were certain parts that should probably be classified as torture. lets go with what I liked first.
I really enjoyed talking to people, especially those who asked my really good thought-provoking question, answering those questions and telling those who listened about our adventure in Oregon was so enjoyable, I could do that all day, and it was great practice for public speaking. Another thing I enjoyed was showcasing my work to the public; showing them the process my work went through, the thought behind it, and the learning that was required was actually quite entertaining; especially for my maze (the maze where you navigated it using a robot and a Xbox controller). I also had fun setting up the booth with my group, the way it all came together so well, and so fast, was really cool to experience. Also, setting up the mats that lined the floor was kinda surreal just ‘cause of the amount of surface area we covered.
Now for the stuff I didn’t like. I didn’t like the 12 hour school day! Like, how are we expected to function that long! If you agree join me in this song:
“Twelve hours of school to go,
Twelve hours of school!
Wait one out,
Then pass out,
Eleven hours of school to go!
Then the standing; Ms. Madsen will complain if she sees this, but standing for two hours is just not fun, obviously we did it, but just no. Annoying people were present to; and that wasn’t fun. There was this one kid who just came up to my game, beat it in record time, moved some of my code they I then had to repair it, then, they closed the app with my code and walked away. Just why! Then putting away the mats was a nightmare.
Overall, I can’t say it was the best thing ever, but I learned a lot, and took many good things out of it! Thanks for reading, as always.
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