The Penguin Hideout

James’ Blog

Month: October 2023

How geography shapes us:

One day, something interesting happened. That interesting thing was a school project. I will tell you about it. All you need to do is read, what are you waiting for?

Hello everyone, I’m here with one of the first blog posts in a while, because it was summer! But it isn’t now. Boo.

Welcome back, thanks for reading, and without further ado, my blog post!

So, starting this year off in typical PLP fashion, we had maybe two weeks of school before we were no longer at it, and by that I mean another field school! This one was really fun, and also exhausting, because we went to the Rocky Mountains! Now you may be wondering a few things:

  • A) which Rocky Mountains?
  • B) what did you do?
  • C) what did you learn?

Well curious reader, what amazing questions, you have asked them so well, that I have no choice but to answer them, so I indeed shall.

  • A) we went to the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The ones below. They were awesome.

B) we created a Multi-Touch book to show what we learned about the places that we went, and our driving question: “how does the geography of the west shape who we are?” It also shows off the videos that we created for maker, if you want to learn more about that, click the button above. I hope you like the book!

Cool, hope you enjoyed having a look at what we did during the project.

C) what did we learn?

We learnt about how the Rocky’s were formed, and loads about snow management on the highways and loads of other facts. But facts only get you so far, what skills did we learn, what tools that we can use again for other projects? Well, we learned how to gather data and present it in a meaningful way, how to adapt when traveling, and how to create a showcase of what we learned. We also learned many things while on the trip, and of course we learnt about how the geography of the west shape3s us. The CPR railway connected Canada and brought it together by transporting ideas, things, and people all over what is Canada today.

Thanks for reading!

Makin’ masterpieces in Maker

Have you ever wondered what plutonium tastes like? I know I have, but unfortunately, we don’t get to play with plutonium until Monday, so why not read what I did at school instead.

Hello everyone! I’m back with one of the first blog posts for a while, cause summer exists. Starting off this year, we jumped right into the action with our field study to alberta!

That was really fun and I enjoyed it but, wow, it was exhausting. The sights were amazing, everything was really, but unfortunately we never really got any time to explore because… well, y’a know, school trip and stuff. So instead of sleeping in, then doing like one or two things, then going to sleep, we were waking up at 7 latest, then driving at least 5 hours a day, and visiting 3 or more places, then getting to back to our hostels at 11, then trying to get to sleep.

One of my favorite pictures from lake Louise.

and of course we had to do work too. If you want to see what I did in humanities, click here:

But maker, what did we do in maker? I don’t know, I wasn’t paying attention… kidding of course, we learnt about how to ask questions, analyze data, tell a story, and create interesting videos.

Our driving question was “how might I use the moving image to tell a story?”

First, we learnt about what makes a good story, how to create a hook, story structure, filming on location, and how do a meaningful interview. After we learnt of that stuff that was really useful in making our videos, we had to plan them. Why do we have to plan things, create a solid plan in order to make a good meaningful video, when we could wing it and make something horrible! So annoying.

So after all the planning, I suppose it was fair that we had to film the videos as well. The first video I worked on was our home video, “what inspires me?” We had to create a 1-2 minute video about whew do what we do, everyday, what we enjoy away from school that keeps us going. Then of course we had to edit the video. Ug. I wanted to use daVinci resolve, but I haven’t learnt it yet, so I was boring and used iMovie, so, here was my video!

My “what inspires me?” video

Our next video to complete was a group project. A comedic silent video in the three valley gap heritage ghost town. It was fun working with my group but also kinda’ hard. It was fun but hard for everyone to co-ordinate at sometimes, but overall it went well and I am happy with how the video turned out:

Our silent video at the ghost town!

Next was the hardest one, the investigative video. Not only did we have to think on purpose, outrageous, but we also had to talk to real humans! We’re PLP kids, we don’t do that, and even worse, real random humans. I mean that took it to a whole other level! we had to deal with, bum, bum, bummmmm! Social anxiety. Seriously, talking to people was really hard, just working up to it took up to half an hour at some locations. I only got two interviews but they were still really useful. So after all of that and some editing, here was my video!

my investigative video.

We also did a TikTok style video, which my friend edited and I helped film.


So yeah, I learnt a lot in this project, and I did really enjoy it too. I hope you enjoyed reading!

Edit: The plutonium was tasty 🙂

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