Hi there! My name is James and I’m a grade 10 student at Seycove. It’s very hard to try and make something like an about me page with a lot of editing, so I’m just going to take you though some of my interests and hobbies.

Something I’ve been doing since grade 6 is speedcubing, which is essentially just solving Rubik’s cubes really fast (or only kind of fast depending on how good you are). I’ve been to seven competitions so far, and can officially claim that I’m the 2345th best fastest speedcuber in Canada (at time of writing) which I find kind of cool.

If you want to check out some more of my results:

James Streeter | World Cube Association

I am also exploring the world of 3-D design and 3-D printing, and I’ve found that I actually really enjoy it even though It can be more that infuriating at times. It also takes a long time and presents many challenges. it’s really fun though and it’s so fun to see something I designed solve a problem that exists in real life. It’s very rewarding.

If you want to see some of my models:

Penguin_Guy_01 | Printables.com

I am also just beginning to learn how to code with the Seycove coding club, It’s actually been a lot of fun and we just made our own macropads (mini keyboards) and I’m very exited for mine to be sent to me. I actually just attended my first hackathon this weekend, and it was a blast!

I’ll link my GitHub here, but as of now, there is not too much on it, although I hope to add more soon:

penguin-awsome – Overview

And that’s a basic overview of me (nerd) and what I enjoy doing (nerdy things)! I hope this gave you a better sense of me. Thanks as always for reading!