On the second week after spring break the class of PLP 9 left to Ottawa to participate in the encounters with Canada program. The trip lasted a week long and had a specific focus on Canada’s role in the First a World War and The Battle of Vimy Ridge.

After flying in late at night we stayed in the Terry Fox Centre where we would stay with many other students from across Canada. In fact we had at least one student from every province and territory. After spending a day in the Centre we went out on a trip for the first time on the third day.

A model of the memorial

This event was possibly my favorite one of the entire trip as we got to go to the Canadian National War Memorial. Engraved with all major wars with Canadian involvement it serves a reminder of those lost in combat. We were graced with the opportunity to watch a ceremony involving guards watching over the Tomb of the unknown soldier. This is the grave of a Canadian soldier who died in the First World War who’s name was never figured out. 

On day four I had possibly the best day of the entire trip as we got to visit the Canadian War Museum. This museum is absolutely full of military gear and documents from all over the world. From the rifles of modern marines to the Panzers of the German Wehrmacht it had absolutely everything! I photographed everything I could and wasted no time whilst in the museum. We even got guided tours and the chance to talk to veterans! This was the most interesting and exciting day of the trip and is an experience I will never forget. Of course my favorite area in the museum would have to be the large hall where they stored the many vehicles on sight. It had some astonishing finds like a real Panther: this tank was a third generation German tank used in the Second World War and is considered to be one of if not the best tank of the war. To the see this mechanical behemoth that reaped absolute havoc in its time with it’s 7.5 cm KwK 42 is 88mm of frontal sloped Armour and machine guns. They also carried allied tanks such as the Churchill 1, T34/85 and a M4 Sherman to Name a few. I finally got a real sense of scale to these vehicles which I spend hours researching. Moving on to some of the other attractions that our inside the museum, there were plenty of firearms both old and new, good and bad. I got to see everything from Kalashnikovs to M4A1s and immerse myself in some of the most important historical events through the amazing exhibits on display like a fully scaled trench complete with background noise and lighting. Even the gift store was amazing and I picked up a canteen and a model Sturmgeschütz 3 assault gun model. That day was amazing and If your ever in the area it is a requirement to visit one of the best museums in the world. 

The glorious panzerkampfwagen V panther

Now I could go on and on about the museum or even the extent of everything else that we did in Ottawa day by day, but that would make for an especially boring blog post. Instead a few more highlights and overall learning will be enough I think. 

So if I had to pick another highlight it would have to be meeting veterans at the Terry Fox Centre. I got to talk to to war veterans, one Canadian tank commander who served in the Korean War and a WW2 British pilot who flew transport planes carrying paratroopers and supplies threw the sky’s in almost every major operation. These people are my hero’s and I am so glad that I was born in a time where I am able to have conversations with the great men and women who put their lives on the line for their nation, their beliefs and the safety of others. My upmost respect goes out to all veterans and active servicemen around the globe who fought on all sides as any soldier who follows orders no matter what orders they may be deserves respect.

I had my doubts surrounding this trip when it was announced as I was not so sure about it being led by someone other than our teachers but it turned out to be one of my favorite experiences his year. Encounters did an amazing job showing us around and keeping everything interesting. I absolutely loved the theme and how it played into our projects back home and even though I didn’t really talk to anyone other than ten or so times throughout the week everyone there was super friendly. 

9/10 needs more tanks.