YFor our latest and second last science project of the year my group and I cloned attempted to clone dandelions and lavender plants. In my group was Lucas, Melanie and Emily and we have spent the last few weeks growing our plants. In the end only one of our plants was successful in surviving the process in which we tried to grow multiple plants from one specimen. If they worked correctly it would produce a plant similar to the original plant. We had to present this in a way that was similar to a project proposal video which is done by real scientists to get money and support for their projects.
The cloning procedure started off well but didn’t actually end up producing more than one clone of an original plant. We started by gathering some planters from outside, the plants we chose for our first experiment were dandelions and each group took one. When we had finished collecting the plants we cut of roots in a way that would have them all grow into new plants. We then had to look after our plants for the next few weeks while we watched them grow.
Each group also got to pick one plant of their choosing to clone with the dandelions. My group chose to clone a lavender plant while other groups chose things like garlic. The lavender clone was my groups only surviving clone so we didn’t really get to see if they were all the same as the original ones.
When it finally came to creating the video we split into two groups, Emily and Melanie would take care of the writing of the script while Lucas and I would record and edit the video. The video discuss everything required including the cloning of plants, how it works and asking for a grant and what research we would use it for.
This was a great project and I really enjoyed learning all the details behind meiosis and mitosis. The actual work itself was really fun and interesting and the topic kept it fresh and not boring.
Thanks for reading another blog post and I can’t wait to start the final science project for the year.
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