The end of the year is finally upon us and I am more than ready to start summer vacation. However before we are all granted freedom and allowed  to leave we all need to do one last presentation. These presentations are called Mpols and I get to reflect on the year and point out parts where I think I learned and or improved. I have a few points in mind to talk about and these include: my previous goals from earlier in the year, some work which I think was my best, some work which think was my worst and how I have improved since last year. 

To start I’m going to talk about my improvement since last year. I think that the overall quality of work that I have been handing in has increased by a fair amount and I think that I have adapted a bit better to the process of plp. This year has been better than the previous one however I think the growth was a bit more linear that year than it was this year as this year it had been all over the place. I think that this term was definitely better than the other two but not by the same amount as last year where my third term was a huge improvement from my first term. I have been looking through my Showbie and a very large amount of work has been handed in on time when compared to last term and the one before that. However that is still nothing to brag about as time management and deadlines are still the biggest problems in my education. I am trying to take steps to improve this and make my hand ins more reliable. The last few weeks especially have been pretty good and I want to try and get even closer to and eventually having a perfect term. Overall I’m still a bit disappointed in myself for the reliability of my work but I think it is getting there. 

For my second point that I would like to discuss I thought I would bring up what I think is some of my best and worst work from this year. The first piece of work which I think is good would probably have to go to my work on my WW1 Comic Book. This project was not only really enjoyable for me as I really like learning about the source material, it was also a really successful piece of work in my opinion. The task that we were assigned as our final project for that topic was to create an informational comic book that would cover a topic from the First World War. I chose to cover tanks and I spent a lot of time making my comic book as informational as I could and I think it turned out pretty well. We even got to go down to Cove Cliff and show a grade six/seven class our work. I found some student who were just as interested in tanks as I am and I had an absolute blast showing everyone my book. I wish we could do more work that involves us giving presentations to younger kids and other people in our community which brings me to my next favorite piece of work.

My second favorite piece of work this year would definitely have to be my winter exhibition project. This project was another interesting one for me as I also was high key interested in the subject matter for it. The winter exhibition was themed around Star Wars this year which gave me the perfect opportunity to compare Star Wars blasters to real life weapons that fit the same role. I got to compare f35s to tie fighters, M4a1s to storm trooper blasters and M1 Abrams to a AT AP. My favorite part of this project was that I was knowledgeable in the subject matter to up without a script and discuss my project in full with the people I was presenting to. Now I know enough about the majority of my projects to be able to have a conversation with someone on the subject matter bu it just had that little bit of extra knowledge with this one that made things so much smoother and easier. 

M1 Abrams Tank

Now I have to talk about some pieces of work that I don’t think were as amazing as the other two that I talked about. One of these pieces of work would have to be my road trip worksheet. This was a good project and I did complete I just don’t think that it was as personalized as it could be. So when I handed it in it was pretty much a glorified worksheet. If I could go back and do it again I would definitely revise it so that it is a bit more personalized and fun and that would probably make it a lot better. 

I also handed in a lot of late work this year and I think that this could have been improve especially as my goal has almost always been to hand in my work more in time and not have it be so unreliable. It really just needs me to put in more effort earlier rather than leaving it and having it pile up.

I still think that I have improved since last year just in a unique way and I am ready to work on improving in grade 10. Jeez time flies.