My door is a bore no more

Hello fellow humans. This post is going to be about something I feel I don’t really write about in this blog. That’s right, it’s everyone’s favourite subject, Math.

Ok, so our first big project for math was a project that has to do with surface area. We were tasked with increasing the surface area of this door by 5.

I was put into a group with Izzy, Ben, and Kiera. What we did was we made a ton of rectangular prisms to increase the surface area by five. Here are our calculations.

We first decided to shrink them by half to save paper. Bad idea. That ended up messing up all of our calculations. After that colossal mess up, we had to start all over again and make all new, full size rectangular prisms. The end result ended up looking like this.

As you can tell, our groups’ stuff was the direct middle of the door. I personally think it looks pretty good. Welp. That’s it. See ya soon.

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