All throughout the world everyone has their own view on social class. This is also known as an ideology, which is basically seen as their own belief on the political system. The term was created during the French Revolution by someone named Antoine Destutt de Tracey. The term ideology was referred to as a new science of ideas, or an idea-ology, like biology. The relation with the term ideology to politics has a lot to do with Karl Marx. Ideologies are like a pair of goggles, whichever pair you put on, it changes the way you see the world.

In class we learned about all the ISM’s of ideologies. Liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, fascism, capitalism, totalitarianism, anarchism, religious fundamentalism, environmentalism, feminism. We learned what each of these ISM’s meant, what their morals are, and what they contribute to today’s society. Here is what a typical political spectrum looks like:

In class we took a political spectrum test to see where each one of us stand on the political scale. The test consist of personal questions that ask you about your beliefs on certain topics and scenarios.