March 4

Loon Lake post

Β Β  Β  I learned a lot of knowledge and skills during this field trip, and I had a great time. What I learned is helpful for my future growth as a learner.

Β Β  Β  The loon lake’s website Β

Β Β  Β  This is the route from school to Loon Lake, my classmate Mackenzie sit next to me. It took one hour to got there.

When we got to Loon, we started our first activity called Nature Walk, looking for all kinds of things like leaves and branches in the woods.

My favorited photo, the scenery of Loon Lake, peaceful and beautiful

Β  Β  Β  After the first activity, we got the luggage from a small school bus and found our room. I live in a room with four other classmates.

Β  Β  Β Β For dinner that night, we had lasagna, which Garfield likes. I tried lasagna for the first time (because lasagna is not very popular in the place where I was born).

We have a group called Advisory, my teacher is Mr. Hughes. My group has a name but I forget. In this group activity, the teacher asked us to write letters to each other, the content of the letters is to praise others.

Β Β  Β  The next day, breakfast, lunch and dinner were delicious. My favorite activity was to build a tent with branches. Several classmates and I formed a team to build a tent beside a small tree, which could accommodate four people. In the tent activity, our team cooperated well, everyone had their own work, my job was to find and carry wood and decorate the tent.Β  Β 

Β  Β 

The most interesting activity in this field study was archery. I never dared to participate in this kind of game before (because I thought it was dangerous). But this time I bravely participated in the archery game. I was out before the picked up arrow, but I was happy.

After the archery game, there was the laser gun game, in which the students were divided into two groups and shot each other with laser guns. I did not participate because I was tired

In the field study, we also did the DI challenge. My team and I rehearsed a story called Hazardous Heroes. It is about the experimental accident that created several monsters (I played one of them), but the main characters destroyed the monsters.

Β Β  Β  This field trip let me to learn knowledge and skills, and it was also the process of my growth as a learner. It was the first time for me to join the travel activity organized by the school. Looking back now, I feel I have grown up a lot. This journey is very valuable.

my book:

Posted March 4, 2022 by jessieg in category Uncategorized

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