Our Middle Ages and Crusades Project.

Learning about The Middle Ages and Crusades was new for me because I have never learned about them before. I found it mostly easy to learn about this project because of how it was structured I think. I liked how we got all the materials Ms.Madsen used to teach us, so that we could refresh ourselves whenever we needed it. Another reason I think that I liked this is because I found it easier to learn outside of school, which is helpful when you have a homework assignment.

The final product from both The Middle Ages and Crusades was to make a keynote presentation. I liked making the keynotes because I could organize how I presented the slides as well as how many slides (as long as it was over 5). I chose to make more slides than necessary because, I thought I could say more about the Crusades/Middle Ages. I think that the slides I made were very accurate and deep to the events that happened in these time periods. 

Here are the (blurry) title slides of my Keynote presentations

the driving question for this project was, How did the quest for power impact peoples lives in The Middle Ages? This question was pretty simple for me to answer I found. It impacted and affected peoples lives whenever and wherever the change  and quest for power) went. It affected people because people ether didn’t like the change and fought for things to go back to normal, or thought that there was not enough change, and fought for more. This meant that many people had to fight in wars/Crusades, meaning many people died, leaving empty homes, or even Towns. That’s how I think the quest for Power (or change) impacted peoples lives.

Overall I think that this project thought me how to effectively use what I learned to teach other people.

Thanks for reading!

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