Hello! Welcome to my blog, you can learn all about me in this section. I am a learner at Seycove Secondary in the PLP program. PLP is a project based learning program, it is awesome! I will be posting about the projects that we do in PLP over the next five years.

Above you can see the the collage I made about me and my life.  Some things that you can see above are:

-Music albums I listen to

-My friends

-And some things I am passionate about


In my free time I love to play field hockey with my brother Noah. I also enjoy doing math, mountain biking, and playing video games. I am open minded and will never turn down the opportunity to learn. I would one day love to be able to explore Asia on foot.

When I get older I would love to be a mechanical or electrical engineer. I think it would be cool to have these jobs because they are mostly hands on jobs.

Below is a video I made that shows some things that I like.

Thanks for checking out my about me page! Feel free to continue browsing my posts.