Today we will be exploring Louis Riel’s story, unraveling the life of a rebel leader and the struggle for Identity. During his life he created a massive impact to the Métis in so many ways, by creating opportunities that the Métis would not have, as well as giving each and every single one of them power in there own lives.
In our most recent project we learned about Louis Riel who has been a very controversial but impactful figure in Canadian history. He was a Métis man who realized how little his people had in perspective to European settlers and Europeans in general. He decided to start speaking out and express his opinions and concerns to the public and the government, he urged for Métis people to speak out and support them getting the rights that they deserved. He was supported by many but also hated by many, often because of the brave and unheard of actions he took to get what he wanted, or needed. I personally think that this is an amazing and courages thing to do for something that you are passionate for.
However, all of these brave actions couldn’t eventually escape him from being captured in 1885. He was hung for high treason, and while many celebrated, many where unhappy. The Métis communities learned from Louis Riel that they had to fight for what they needed. I think that what Louis Riel did was honorable and overall a positive thing for Métis rights.
Our driving question for this project was, How has the Portrayal of Louis Riel Changed Over Time? I think that the portrayal of Louis Riel has changed over time because of how we now view Métis and indigenous people as equals as we always should have, becasue of a changing society and changing societal norms. Throughout history we never saw them as equal to the European settlers because of racism and discrimination, however we now realize that that was wrong and should never be repeated ever again. My point is that I think our society has grown to see Louis Riel as an activist and leader in the charge for something that every human should have but didn’t back then.
-the revisions from my first draft of my essay
Overall I think that this project taught me a lot of history about Métis peoples and there rights, or lack of, and how things around them have changed over time. I really liked this project and would definitely do it again.