Hope Project

Who do you admire the most? Often, the individuals we respect are the ones with resilience who can see the light through despair and perhaps benefit from adversity. Recently in the project of hope, we studied resilient and admirable individuals and sought to learn from their stories. In this blog post, I will summarize my learning journey in this blog post

Answer to the Driving Question

“What lessons and inspiration can we draw from the stories of individuals and communities that have faced tragedy and overcome adversity?”

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As I dive deeper into the project, I am amazed at how resilience allows us to shine in the darkest time. Victor Frankl‘s quote inspired my answer to the driving question: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” My biggest takeaway from this project is that poor backgrounds, physical disabilities, and harsh environments don’t limit your possibilities. Despite all the tragic events we encounter, we can still make our life meaningful and inspiring with our positive growth mindsets. Throughout the individuals I studied, it is common that they all have the determination to endure all the obstacles for the better future they have in their minds.

The Final Product

Self-Evaluation and Spaces for Improvement

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Overall, I have a stronger desire and curiosity toward this unit as I see the lasting effects that may come with hard work. While it is one of the most meaningful projects, I find it interesting. Because I value this project, I have put more thought into this project than ever. Other than my research skills, my decision-making skills are another highlight during the process. But after all, I am afraid that my final product failed to show how impactful their stories are to me. Although it may be a complete story, I know it is not a creative nor a stunning video. The video lacks original films. Looking back, the execution part of this project is where I struggled the most. I may have had a great concept and understanding of the purpose behind this project; however, I could have executed it better. In the future, I hope to improve my creative skills, like filming, storyboarding, and video editing, to create a more impactful final product. Also, It will be critical for me to seek feedback to get an outsider’s perspective as I may have blindspots with the editor’s lenses.

Personal impact

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From my perspective, this unit not only passes down the best spirits to the younger generations but also helps us see the bigger picture and overcome our challenges. At the same time, this project empowers me to move forward as I understand how small my “adversity” really is. In the process, I have developed my social awareness as I realize how different life can be on Earth from other places and times. Seeing and studying the individuals helped me to have more appreciation for my daily life. I never thought living a casual day in 2023 could be a privilege until I saw what happened to Victor Frankl in the concentration camps. Furthermore, this project has also taught me the importance of having a positive mindset. Seeing how the individuals I studied were able to overcome unthinkable challenges has profoundly impacted my attitude and the way I think. One day, they can tell all their unique life stories to the younger generations and how all the past adversity has become a nutrient and improved their lives. Most importantly, this unit forces me to redefine success and the purpose of life. I used to think that achievements and wealth ultimately determine success; however, I cannot say to any individuals I studied that they are unsuccessful. They may be more successful than the millionaires since they may not endure the pain and unfortunates they have been through.


After all, this unit, studying and learning from admirable individuals, had been an inspiring journey. It taught me that we can still succeed despite all the adversity. It taught me that we can construct our future regardless of conditions. It taught me that we can always find hope, even in the darkest times. It reshapes my perspective and inspires me to question the purpose of life. Even though the project officially ended last week, it has been a lifelong journey for me.

Thank you for your time 

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