School, What Is It Good For?

How can we transform schools to create more engaged and informed citizens? It is our driving question for our last project of the year and one that we share our learning through the spring exhibition. In this blog post, I will share and reflect on my learning in the “School, what is it good for” project.

My Answer to the Driving Question

“Education is about both head and heart,” said Cecil Race, an elementary principal in Alberta for 20 years. Similarly, I believe the foundation of education is not about memorizing knowledge or facts but rather inspiring and developing positive minds. My focus in this project is to create a program that combines experiential learning with ethical education to bring students substantial impacts on their worldviews. You will learn more about homelessness by talking with someone experiencing it than in a classroom with all the statistics. With the same logic, you will learn more about morals and virtues in a real-world situation than with papers and pens. After reflecting on my experiences in Taiwan and Canada, I realized that ethical education is often skipped over or avoided. News reporters, especially those in Taiwan, often criticize individuals for not making moral decisions; however, they seldom question the issue’s root causes. At the end of the day, how can we expect one to make the best, most ethical decisions without explicitly teaching them what’s right and wrong? My idea was fully solidified after I investigated programs and studies worldwide. Unsurprisingly, I wasn’t the first to come up with the belief, nor am I the only one supporting it.

Reflection on My Learning Journey

People climbing books. isolated on white background. Vector illustration. Eps 10

I am generally proud of the interactive elements I have at my station. Especially the digital display of examples, which brought me a lot of trouble as I had no clue how to make it at the beginning. As a side product of spending hours problem-solving and having headaches, I now know exactly how to make sophisticated interactive charts to share my message. At the same time, I can confidently say that I pushed my comfort zone in this project by investigating topics I never explored before. Most importantly, I can say to myself, in the end, that I put in a surplus amount of effort as I am probably the only one that stayed at school till six and worked on PLP till 1 AM.

Looking back, I should improve my time management skills for greater efficiency. Although the effort is important, what matters more is efficiency, where you use your time and energy. One of my biggest mistakes was that I overestimated my capabilities to create a model, resulting in poor time allocation. Although I eventually constructed a model, I believe I can refine and modify the details and the appearance better with better time management. In other words, I think the execution stage is where I can grow and improve the most, as the final product is only about 70% perfection in my mind.

Impact on My Personality

Recently, I had to do a presentation on learning with my parents and teachers, which allowed me to dive deeper into thinking about how each project contributes to a more mature dynamic worldview. In other words, I questioned how this project, even in a small way, made me a better person. Ultimately, this project allowed me to develop a stronger sense of justice and responsibility toward our society. At the core, I can reflect on my identity and worldview and have the chance to reevaluate them. Through constructing a course myself, I have a deeper understanding of the purposes of schools and a greater appreciation for all the teachers designing and executing their systems for our excellent sake. Instead of complaining, I can “seek first to understand” the reasons and rationales behind each decision. Essentially, this unit brings me a different view on schoolwork and assignment with the realization that their goal is to make us better people. Because of this new perspective, I can now enjoy school more. So thank you, teachers, for all the hard work to help us become more informed and engaged citizens.

Thank you for your time 

Would you pull the lever?

(Picture Source)

Would you pull the lever?

Is that the right thing to do?

This was the question that Truman had to answer in 1945. To this date, the usage of atomic bombs is controversial; however, there’s no doubt that it changed the world forever. From September to October, we have been studying the Manhattan project and its significance. But not only was it influential back in 1945, but it also have profound impacts on modern societies. 

Project Overview 

(Just so you know what we are doing in this project)


Now, let’s go back to the trolley problem. Whether you would pull the lever or not, is a hard decision to make. Either way, you are right, and neither was the right answer. Quoting Ms. Madsen, our teacher for this project: “the beauty about philosophy is the process of thinking”

If you do pull the lever…

  • What right do you have to kill the innocent people
  • What right do we have to compare lives to make this judgment 
  • How can you prove your intention was not to commit a murder
  • Can results justify the process 
  • How do you know if the five people want people to sacrifice for them 

If you don’t pull the lever

  • How innocent are you to stand and watch five people die 
  • Why should we maximize the harm of the atrocities 
  • Is it reasonable to watch people die because you don’t want to carry any responsibility
  • Would the person you saved appreciate your decision 
  • If we have a choice, can we still blame it on the train

As you may realize already, the Manhattan Project and the trolley question are very similar. The bombing in itself killed hundreds of thousands of people; however, you can argue that it did save us all from millions of unnecessary casualties. Ideally, we don’t want wars; ideally, we don’t want to make the decision; ideally, we don’t want anyone to die. But under a worldwide, total war conflict, it was impossible to avoid deaths. The Manhattan project, in this case, would be the other railway to take. It led to the brighter world that we currently live in. In the end, the Manhattan project did prove to be a more effective way to end the war; but furthermore, it was also a turning point in science, military and medical fields.


  • It prepared for Nuclear fusion
  • It laid the foundation for universe exploration
  • It enabled Nuclear power plants 


  • It determined how the Cold War would be fought
  • It enhanced missilery and Air Force technologies
  • It prevented direct military combats


  • It intensified medical research on the human body
  • It produces gamma rays to detect tumours and cancers
  • It inspired Nuclear medicine to fight against cancer 

Most importantly, the devastations of atomic bombs did show all of us how brutal, tragic and destructive wars can be. That awareness to this date forced nations to have peace with each other and prevent wars from happening. Today, none of us have to live in air raid shelters; none of us today have to live under the fear of being bombed or invaded, none of us today have to live under a worldwide, total war conflict. All of the statements above proved how the Manhattan Project relevant is.

After all, we can debate whether the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki could be justified or not; however, the significance of the Manhattan project is

Aftermath Reflection 

After all, I think writing is significantly better than speaking. Not only was writing an easier task for me, but I also devoted more time to phrasing and rewriting. The fear of public speaking is often compared with the fear of death. Looking back, I lacked speaking practice. Although I read out my script, it was a different story to present in front of the class. As it turned out, my result prediction was very different from the actual result. With that said, I still appreciate the opportunity to learn it in grade 11. It was challengingand stressful, but it also allow me to grow. 

Thank you for your time!

Summary of the Politics Unit, Why Does this Unit Matter?

Why Does this Politics Unit Matter?

Throughout this unit, I have learned a lot of concepts, ideas and skills.  But it is more than politics, government and the subject matter in itself.  I have developed my core competencies skills such as critical thinking and communication; I learned how to investigate issues and design a solution for them; furthermore, I can launch my solution by collaborating with others and influencing the world.  In this post, I will be reflecting on my learning and sharing with you my learning journey throughout this unit.

Answer to Driving Question

(Picture Source)

Let’s start with the driving question of this unit: How should we govern ourselves?  Although you might think this question has nothing to do with you, but it is constantly influencing your everyday life.  After reading many articles, I believe the answer to the question of “How should we govern ourselves” is healthy competitions. 

How Does Healthy Competition Relate to My Learning Journey?

Overall, the idea of healthy competitions can occur in every project I do.

Let us take “Is there any issue with our political system” as an example, I was investigating issues with our election system and designing solutions.  Because of democratic nature of our government, anyone can form a new party and design solutions to improve our nation. This is a type of healthy competition.

Take a look at the Press Release milestone, this is more interesting. Hippopotamus  encourages businesses to compete fairly and freely.  As one out of the many political parties in Canada, we need to be very thoughtful with our messaging and communication as we are competing to win the vote.

But Now, What Does Healthy Competition Mean?

I would like to spend a minute to explain my view on competition. In general, there are two types of competitions, healthy competition and unhealthy competition.  The difference between the two types of competitions is based on how the competitors see it.  Healthy competitions want participants to focus on personal improvements, contributions to the environment or the journey of their learning; On the other hand, unhealthy competition want participants to only focus on the outcome at all cost.  Some may focus on getting recognizability or attention from others.

Outcome of healthy and unhealthy competitions

Healthy competitions lead towards:

  • Advancing the entire field or organization
  • Unlocking personal potential 
  • Honouring mutually held values
  • Points to inspirational examples

While unhealthy competitions lead towards: 

  • Fear and scarcity 
  • Focusing on validation and attention 
  • Diminishing others
  • Winning at all costs

(Learn more about the two competitions)

But Why Do We Need Competitions?

Competitions can be beneficial in many categories, such as politics, economics, biology and even education. 

Biology: Competition plays a significant role in biology, specifically species adaptations.  Through natural selection, species and organisms compete, which eliminates organisms that are weak or do not fit into the environment.  Competition in biology is important because it forces species adaptation, leading to the betterment of the environment. (Click Here to Learn More)

Politics: One of the important principles for us to be democratic is free and fair elections.  With that in mind, we will never have just one political party.  Political competition is important because it will produce better candidates and political parties in the process of competing with each other. (Click Here to Learn More)

Economics: Competitions in the market is essential because it boosts up productivity, encourage innovation and at the same time it lowers the cost for consumers.  In other words, competition among businesses can bring up innovative technologies for the betterment of our society. (Click Here to Learn More)

Education: For kids, competitions allow them to learn faster, think deeper, and have a better performance.  At the same time, it teaches kids to manage their nerves and know competition does not have to be feared.  In brief, competition can simulate real-world for kids and allow them to prepare earlier. (Click Here to Learn More)

In general, competitions bring benefits, such as:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency 
  • Economic developments and growth 
  • Higher product quality and innovations
  • And more…

With these benefits in mind, competitions are essential for our society.  We will grow and adapt faster with competitions, so that is why building up a healthy environment for competition.

Reflecting on My Journey 

Throughout this unit, there are four important milestones:  election result, statement of intent, press release, and campaign video.  

Milestone #1: Election Results

In this milestone, I investigate issues with the current election system and develop potential solutions for it.  One of the most important skills I learned in this milestone is problem-solving, which is an essential ability in real life.  The knowledge I learned through this milestone can be used again when I study more about society.  Politics is only one factor that influences our society, when I study more about other factors, such as economics, I will be able to make the connection between them.  The skill of problem-solving will be used again when I discover issues that concern people, which can be useful in the real world. Looking back, I struggled through this project. Maybe some people will say I have done a decent job, but I know it is not enough.  To do better next time, I can read more books and listen to podcasts to improve my knowledge and communication skill; I will make sure references make sense and they are relevant.  I will prepare ahead because I know I need more time to study. 

Milestone #2: Statement of Intent

In this milestone, I collaborate with my political party to publish the purpose of our party.  It was an interesting milestone because it stimulates how political party functions and how elections happen.  At the same time, we learn to persuade people and explain our beliefs. These skills can be beneficial because it encourages leadership and allow us to better communicate with others.  These skills can be used again when we are communicating with others. By answering the question “why should people believe in you?”,  we need to earn trust and respect from others. Looking back, I found a pattern of how we completed this milestone.  To be specific, we first find issues that concern Canadians the most.  Then, we shared our opinions, and we gave each other feedback.  Last, we merge similar ideas and write out the solution based on ideas and research.  As a member of the HPC team, I can share my point of view with others with a full explanation.  At the same time, I encourage others to share their ideas as well.  If we do this milestone again, we can do better by organizing our thoughts and belief into a poster so people can understand us better. We will also focus to explain in detail how we will achieve our goals and promises.  As a political party, HPC should advertise itself to let more potential HPC voters know about this party.

Milestone #3: Press Release

In this milestone, we write a blog post explaining in detail why should people vote for your party and not others.  This is interesting, but also important because through this milestone we need to show statistics and evidence instead of just sharing our idea.  This milestone relates to the last one because it is like an adaptation that we need to organize, communicate, and back up our beliefs with evidence at the same time.  Through this project, I learned the importance of statistics and evidence which will be used every time I present a project, product or myself.  As the first milestone, the most significant thing I do is research.  But in this milestone, I can identify which data or information is more reliable on the internet.  I would say there are some improvements between this milestone and the first one, but it is still not enough.  My expectations for myself are always on a high level because I know better is possible (NDP slogan) I agree with the teacher’s suggestion that I need to narrow down the topic and focus on it.  This will lead to a deep and thoughtful blog post. 

Milestone #4: Campaign Video

In this milestone, we take the previous milestone to launch a final video of our political party.  I look through many political ads from liberals, such as Relentless, Forward, Real change now because their ads are good examples to make a campaign video.  This milestone can be difficult because we are aiming for their trust within two minutes only, but at the same time it is also important because it is a great opportunity to enhance our communication skills. The experience of this milestone can be used to give the audience a stronger, more powerful visual effect.  But it is more than that.  As we record the video, we understand the importance of teamwork. Through this milestone, we collaborate better than before and collaboration is one of the most important life skills, especially when you belong to an organization. As I reflect on this milestone, I realized the pattern we used to complete this video.  We start with the question “How will the final video look like?”, such as the themes, script, location, etc….  Then we fill our draft with action and preparation.  Last, we collaborate to make this difficult milestone possible.  Overall, I believe we have done a good job with this milestone.  At the same time, I know we can do better by having more clips and introducing graphics and statistics.  To this point, I believe we, as a political party, should aim to be as professional as other parties.

Developments in Core Competencies 

(Picture Source)

When I was reflecting and summarizing my learning, I realized my learning and growth can be represented through all the six core competencies above. 

Communication: Communication is shown throughout the press release project.  As a team, we need to communicate with each other our thoughts or ideas; As a political party, it is essential to communicate our purpose and goals with everyone to get their votes.  Although we can have different points of view, we can work with each other without conflict, and that is the art of communication.  I know I can improve in this field because I sometimes have conflict with others when sharing opinions.  If I can redo this project again, I will think more about others’ feeling before I comment.

Creative Thinking: When we did the press release of our party, the question “What makes you unique” challenged us the most.  We brainstorm ideas and plans that will separate us from other parties, and many innovative ideas came up.  And it is that moment I realized this question push us towards creativity and critical thinking at the same time.  I can say with confidence, without creative thinking we will not be able to reach what we have done.  I know I can improve in this field because sometimes I lack creativity to write or to create a solution.  Next time if I face similar projects, I will encourage myself to think outside the box.

Critical Thinking: When we were doing the first milestone, we need to question and investigate the current political system.  At the same time, we developed and design solutions to solve that issue.  For me, it was difficult to design a solution that can perfectly solve the issues, without any consequences.  Throughout the first project, critical thinking plays a significant role to challenge us to think deeper.  I realized afterwards that I spent more time than I needed to develop solutions, so I will train myself to do deeper thinking everyday to improve it.

Positive Personal and Cultural Identity: Looking back, I realized I used my strength, such as investigating, designing, and organizing, to help the team.  I generate and organize ideas to keep us on track, at the same time, I encourage others to share their opinions as well.  Through this project, I can find other people’s strengths as well.  Without one of us, I do not believe we will achieve our goals.  After all, I realize we would have done better in this field if I enhance our group vision and culture.

Personal Awareness and Responsibilities: When I was doing the first project for the first time, I did not do as well as I expected.  I know by looking through my classmates’ work, that I am no match with them.  Although this is frustrating, I was determined to catch up with them.  I read many articles and worked till my body cannot endure more.  I regulate myself so I can hand my work in on time.  Overall, I believe I need to enhance my self-determination so I can handle frustrations better.

Social Responsibility: As we are making the final product, we had many unique thoughts and plans from each other, and we valued the diversity of ideas.  Although it could be hard to include all ideas, we manage to merge ideas peacefully.  When it comes to the final recording, we bring everything the video needs to contribute to the final product.  Throughout this project, we can save a lot of time if we focus more on the question “how can we contribute to the team”.

Finally, I would like to thank PLP for giving me this opportunity to participate in this program.  I have learned a lot from this unit.  The process of traversing these thoughtful milestones made me a better person. 

Thank you for your time

Hippopotamus Party Vowed to Build a Better Economy for Canada

(Logo of Hippopotamus Party of Canada)

Did you know Canada is ranked the best country in the world?  With political and economic stability, public safety, and a low employment rate, Canadians can enjoy quality of life and freedom. We have a chance of a life time to become the global leader. This doesn’t mean we don’t have issues to solve to get there, few examples are:

Housing Affordability 

Housing price is a significant issue in Canada. In fact, house price had grown faster than income over years; An Oxford report discovered that house is 30% more expensive than an average income citizen can afford. Moreover, Canada has the world’s second highest housing risk. Housing issues affect many of our citizens today. This must be solved and not be passed down to future generations

(Picture Source: Rocketmortgage )


In the recent highest tax country survey, Canada ranked #9 globally. As a result of changes to Canada’s personal income tax system, the combined federal and provincial top personal income tax rate has increase in every province since 2009. These increase have significant consequences, hindering economic growth and prosperity.

(Picture Source: Herefordgroup)

National Debt

In total, National debt in 2019 reach up to 2.4 trillion. The consequence of growing national debt is well summarized in this article:

– Lower national savings and income

– Higher interest payments, leading to large tax hikes and spending cuts

– Decrease ability for government to respond to problems(such as wars, financial crisis or natural disasters)

– Greater risk of a fiscal crisis

(Picture Source: Here)

What Makes Hippopotamus Party of Canada Unique?

Unlike all other parties, we are founded by a group of teenagers who are interested in changing our country for a brighter future.

A Hippopotamus government will:

– Decrease house price by 50% within 4 years.

– Decrease taxes by 15% so you and your family can have more money to spend on family, child education, cars, and more.

– Minimize and cut national debt

– Bring prosperity through developments of new industry 

– Push back against COVID crisis by creating more job opportunities 

Our plans

Housing Issue

Housing crisis is continuously growing and we have a solution. The reason house is so expensive is because house demands is higher than supplies. To change that situation, we need better technologies that allows us to build houses fast and safe at the same time. The Hippopotamus Party will introduce innovative technologies like 3D printed homes to fundamentally cut housing crisis.

(Image source:


We want every Canadian citizen to have financial freedom, so high tax is a problem. Especially during paramedics, we understand many people lost their jobs. The current tax rate is higher than needed, so we will decrease the tax rate so more money can go into your pocket. Along with that, we will to create more job opportunities and push back covid crisis so your life is back on track.

(Picture Source:

National Debt

We promise to pay off national debt. To pay off national debt, we will:

– We will allow oil/ gas industry to grow. Although we understand the importance of a healthy environment, but we believe a more qualified life for all Canadian citizens is more important. We believe through the growth of oil and gas industry; it will bring prosperity to our country. 

– We will cut social service to save money and use the money to pay it off. Even though could be a pain to cut off some social services, with all the consequences of national debt in mind, it is obviously worth doing

(Picture Source: Promarket)

Why Should you choose us

We know we are young but we believe we can change the world.

The Hippopotamus Party is new Choice 

The Hippopotamus Party is new Hope

The Hippopotamus Party is new Sovereignty

To join us, you can contact us through email or comment down below.

How this Relate to My Previous Post?

In the world we live in, there are many issues we need to solve. In the process, it unveils the convolutedness and complexity these issue possess

Learn More About Hippopotamus Party 

The Hippopotamus Party of Canada

An average post about a press release

Is There Any Issue With Our Election System?

Is There Any Issue With Our Election System?


As an immigrant from Taiwan, I can tell there are significant differences between elections in Taiwan and Canada. People in Taiwan are a lot more into politics.  In fact, voting rates in Taiwan is higher than Canada. Every time there is a new election coming up in Taiwan, you can see groups of people walking around the city, wearing identical t-shirts that represent a party of their choice; you can see trucks driving 24 hours a day around your neighbourhood, playing political ads out loud to get you vote; elections in Taiwan is like a sport or carnival that most adults participate.


(Canada, speech after election)

(Taiwan, speech after election)


I felt like it is a different story in Canada. I didn’t realize we were having election until it was the time to take our student votes. As I studied through government and election system in Canada, I realized there are some differences between  election in Taiwan and Canada. Election in Taiwan is based on citizen votes, the candidate who gets most votes wins; election in Canada is based on ridings, which means it is possible to lose an election even if you have more votes. Today I would like to share with you my observations on Canadian election system.  But to understand how election functions, we first need to know how the government is structured.

Structure of Government 

Candian government can be described as constitutional monarchy (or parliamentary democracy).  Constitutional monarchy means we have a king or queen as our head of state, but with limited power. Parliamentary democracy means people can elect government officials to represent them. The word “democracy” comes from Greek. It simply means “rule by people”. Here is an excellent chart from PLP that summarized principles for a democratic government.

For effective management, government is split in to three levels: Federal, Provincial and Municipal. The Federal government handles national issues such as, foreign affairs and trades, national defence, currency, passport and immigration. Members of the Federal level is called member of parliament or MP. The leader of MPs is known as the Prime Minister.

(Picture Source: the Canadian Encyclopedia)

The Provincial government manage regional issues such as education/healthcare delivery, natural resources, and highways.  Members of the Provincial level have different names depend on where you live. Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA); Member of Provincial Government (MPP); Member of the National Assembly (MNA); and Member of the House Assembly (MHA). Leader in the Provincial level is called Premier.

(Detail explanation about Legislative Assembly  here)

The Municipal government make decisions on local issue, for examples: waste management, local police, public transportation, water supply, and zoning areas. Members of the Municipal level is usually called Counsellor or Alderman. And their leader is the mayor.  Under the Federal government, there are in total 13 Provincial governments and 3700 Municipal governments

What is more important than this system is the people behind it. The process of selecting candidates is called election.


Election happens every four years, but the Prime Minister can call an election any time in that period. Canadian citizens over the age of 18 years old, can vote for a candidate who would best represent their interest.  Most of the candidates belong to a party, but they can also be independent as well. Parties are groups of people who have similar belief and want to rule the government. Each party has their own political platform, which communicate with people their goals and point of view. After election, the candidate with most votes in a riding wins election.

Picture Source:

Ridings are smaller political zones based on population.  In the House of Commons, there are 338 seats, each seat represents a riding.  The party with the most seats wins the election and the party’s leader will become the Prime Minister.  The entire election system is called “First Past the Post”, also known as FPTP.

(Riding map from Wikipedia)

The Issue with Election System

Let’s go back to our driving question: What is the issue with our election system?  More specifically,  what is the issue with First Past the Post (FPTP)?

Wasted Votes:

One of the most significant issue is FPTP can misinterpret majority’s voice.  Based on the latest election result, Canada had re-elected Justin Trudeau as the Prime Minister. But you might notice Liberals actually had less vote comparing to Conservatives. Here is a diagram that explains what waste votes is about.

(Source from:

Same was true for Student Votes Canada 2021. I was surprised how Liberals had won more seats, especially when you compare Liberals to NDP and Conservatives. Another point I found it hard to believe is the Green Party has less seats than Bloc Québécois. As you can see in the chart below, the Green Party had a lot more votes than Bloc Québécois.

(From Student Vote Canada)

How could this happen? Well, it is because Bloc Québécois is more dominant in some riding areas. Under this system, your votes won’t count if you vote for a candidate who didn’t win the election. 

Geographical Issues:

Another issue I discover is that different riding represents different number of voters. This could lead to a statement that not all votes are truly equal, because each riding counts as one seat, no matter how many people it represents. One of the most important principles in order for a country to be democratic is free and Fair election. I do not believe this system is fair because it fails to represent what majority is in favour of. This election system is misleading in a sense that majority is defined by elected seats, but not popular votes.


Potential Solutions

We now realized the issues with FPTP, but how do we solve them?  The geographical issue could be solved by dynamically adjust riding areas based on population. Except protected groups, we can use AI assist programs to track population in each riding areas, then adjust riding areas based on population. Under this proposal, each riding represent equal number of voters. Which will better represent entire nation’s voice.

Fortunately, there are many thoughtful ideas on how to improve the election system. Here are some video that explains other possibilities to adjust the current election system, such as proportional representation, approval and instant run-off.

(Proportional representation)


(Plurality, Instant Run-off & Approval)


Although the FPTP system is not perfect, government officials are elected by citizens.  A significant benefit with a democratic government is that everyone can help to improve the society.  Government could also be a platform for us to influence and improve the society. If you are interested about political parties, I have a more detailed post on that. I hope this post gives you a better understanding of how governments and elections function.


Governments & Monarchs—By Jordan Lo

Reflecting The Electing—By Amy Sheardown

Election Reflection— Why Canada didn’t Go on GREEN.—By Ryder Oliver- Green

Every Vote Should Matter—By Anders Bergman

An Election Reflection—By Ethan Rae

We Need To Change Canadian Election, Now!—By Quinn Smilgis

Why We Should Ban Lobbying—By Jakub Hoffmann

Thank you for your time

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