Bonjour, Holà, Hello, Ciao, konnichiwa!! Wow, it’s really been a while!! Pretty much all summer other than my last post about art (Unicorn Art and Tomato Art!), but I don’t really count that one because it’s just one I forgot to post during the school year. Anyways, how has your guys’ summers been? Mines been pretty good, I’ve been to camp, to my cabin, and camping a few times. It’s been awesome! Now you are probably wondering what’s I could possibly be writing a post about in my last few days of summer break, shouldn’t I just be enjoying it?? Well as I said in my last post, sometimes I like to write posts about things I am passionate about and all this summer through out all of my adventures and journeys, I have had one constant, one thing that I do for at least an hour every day. That one thing is….. FRIENDSHIP BRACELET MAKING!!!! I know what you are thinking, “Anyone can make a bracelet, you just take a few strings and braid them together.” But no, this summer I have learned to take it to the next level, I can make mountain patterns, bandana patterns, and crazy, complicated, unexplainable patterns, all with just a couple of simple knots.
The first bracelet I ever made was this one:
It’s the most simple friendship bracelet you can make besides a normal braided one. You can choose any amount of colours you want, but for this one I used blue white and yellow, only three colours. You take three strings about arms length and fold them in half and tie a loop at the top. You can tape it to something or tie it to something and then you just start, easy peasy. Here is a video about how to make this line one, it’s a tad bit hard to explain on a blog post:
So that’s the very first step. The next step is the Chevron bracelet. It’s one…. level (?) harder than the line one. If you don’t know what chevron is, head over toy our local Chevron gas station, take a peek at the logo and it should look something like this:
Now that logo comes from the original pattern of chevron which you can find on clothes, carpet, walls, etc. But you can also tie a bunch of knots and make it a pattern on a bracelet!! You start the exact same way as the last bracelet but instead of putting the colour groups together, you put one on either side of each colour. And also…….. I used 8 colours instead of 3, so in total there were sixteen string on the bracelet, which was a little bit crazy. Here is a fast motion of me making it and then the final product.
Keep in mind this was my original bracelet making kit, you’ll need to know for later:
At the point in time when I made the big chevron, I thought it was the most complicated and difficult bracelet I could do. Weeeeeellllllllll, I was wrong. I discovered you could make bracelets based on patterns. Now you are probably asking, what’s a pattern? If you know what knitting is, which you probably do, it actually uses a pattern. So, all of those blankets your grandma made use a pattern. So a blanket is almost like a giant friendship bracelet! Actually not really because this is how complicated a bracelet pattern is:
Yeah, I know it’s pretty crazy. For more patterns like that, I would recommend checking out this website: It’s awesome for people who are learning and people who have lots of experience. Ok, back to my bracelets. So with patterns, I have made bracelets like these:
After I started making more complicated bracelets I had to upgrade my bracelet kit….. to this one. it may be just a little bit bigger than the last one:
All for different people, I didn’t get to keep any of them sadly but they were still a lot of fun to make. Making bracelets is a great way to pass time when you aren’t going anything all day in the summer. It’s awesome to see all of the different ones you can make and how many you can fit on your wrist. Thanks for reading my post and see you guys on the flip side!!
~Jordyn 🙂
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