Hello everyone. Something very very serious, something very……. curious, has been going on here for the past few months. Which is why Detective Jordyn, Detective Alex, and Detective Asha are here to investigate the situation And question witnesses. DUN DUN DUN!!! Ok ok, long story short, COVID-19 (aka the strange, curious thing that’s happening) has changed everything. Everything from Our climate, to our economy, to our society! While everyone has been at home, innovation has brought ideas and solutions to global issues and concerns. It seems that some good has come from this truly devastating event that my group would like to shed light on. Anything from helping the elderly to creating business plans for local businesses, we have you covered with information, inventions, and “Calls to Action.” My group found it very interesting how the Coronavirus has magnified every aspect of life and we hope you do to! In this case file, you will find each  “witnesses” project as we didn’t have a chance to present them all in the exhibition. Join us on our investigation into…. Economic Inequities, inequalities, and more!



The elderly need help since they can’t usually risk leaving their house because they don’t want to get effected by the disease so, I created a service and a website that helps with everyday essentials for the elderly such as groceries or staying in contact with their friends and family that are outside their homes. For groceries, I made a system where they can put in their order number, address, etc so that me or one of my volunteers would deliver it to their door. 

Although, there are a couple local stores that do offer delivery services, I made a way that mine would be much more affordable. Since the volunteers helping would not be payed(they would be receiving double or triple the volunteer hours instead) therefore, lowering the price. For communication, I made links to youtube tutorials on how to get set up on gmail and zoom, also teaching them the basics of them so they can communicate with their friends and families! Plus, I had some extra links, linking them to websites giving them the latest updates on COVID.


Climate change is a big problem on our planet right now. I’m sure most of you know that already as it’s all over the news and media. We hear about the fact that our cars, our factories and our homes release fossil fuels into the atmosphere, but there is something else we don’t hear about much. Something that we do everyday of our lives. Eat!

Click on this image to listen to my podcast!

The food industry, specifically meat, takes up 30% of the planets livable land and wastes so many other resources, it is easy to see how detrimental to our environment and society it can be and will be if we don’t change things, and luckily there are things we can do. Eating a plant based diet and shopping locally are a couple great ways and I created a map for just it! It is called the shoplocal map and displays plant based, locally sourced restaurants, markets, and grocery stores. To go along with it, for education purposes, I also wrote and recorded a podcast called Food vs Earth! This is my call to action and I hope you will join me!


As we all know, the effects of COVID-19 on the economy have been devastating. Many small businesses have been forced to lay off employees and even shut down permanently. For my project I decided that I would think up strategies that could be used to restart businesses from the perspective of the federal government.

My first strategy to assist would be to temporarily eliminate the Goods and Services Tax for small businesses. Small businesses would be considered any business in which they have 0-2 locations. This would help them by encouraging people to shop or go to these businesses as there would be a 5% reduction in costs of Goods and Services nationally, while still not taking away from the revenue of the businesses.

The second action I would take would be subsiding small businesses (the same businesses described with the GST section) by way of partially paying off rent of those struggling along with giving them property tax break so less revenue needs to be set aside and less panic is induced.

My third action would be to have government provided PPE if we can stockpile it, because that will allow workers to worry less about stuff such as that and allow businesses to hire without the worry of having too small a supply.

The combined effect of these would drastically help businesses, but would lead to a strain money wise, which we should be able to compensate if the government spent money conservatively post pandemic.



Kate’s Implicit Bias PDF #1

I started with the question: How might we understand how chosen looks impact the way we talk to, treat and interact with other people?
I had to think long and hard about how to answer this question. At first, I was going to do a survey, but then I realized that there was already one done! Click the link here to do it. ( https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html ) Instead, I decided to gather the information that was already there, and find a way to share it! Then, I brainstormed ways to present my project. I think that I am pretty good at writing, so I decided to use my skills to present the information in form of a story. It is almost like a choose your own adventure story, where there is a person who can go either way. The story is about Sam. In one direction, Sam is a girl and gets all the negative sides of these implicit biases.

Kate’s Implicit Bias PDF 2

In the other direction, Sam is a boy and gets all the positive sides of these implicit biases. For a full list of the biases, click on the link here. ( https://builtin.com/diversity-inclusion/unconscious-bias-examples ) I did not get the chance to include all the biases in my story, but I tried to include as many as possible.



For my call to action project, I made a short informative video on how people can best help the environment in Canada, which is to get out and vote. I chose this topic because, quite frankly, not enough people actually vote in Canada, we have a 58 to 65% voter turnout which is exceptionally low compared to other developed countries.

I think that voting is very important as it’s the people’s way of dictating how the country should be run. In this case I want people to check out politicians’ policies on climate change and I tried to emplore anyone watching my video to get out there and have their voice heard.




Recover is a digital platform I designed to help both businesses and people looking for jobs. It is to connect people to jobs and provide resources for businesses so they are able to hire. I focus on creating a better future, by following the UN global goals for sustainable development to create this product.

This project was designed during the 2020 corona virus pandemic and serves a purpose to solve problems caused by it. Many businesses have been effected along with so many people losing their jobs because of these current events, my design can help people recover from this. It features a quiz to provide a personalized experience, resources for businesses and employees and would share stories of people who have used it so that new people want to use it and make a bigger impact. It works by creating decent work and economic growth while encouraging female leadership to answer my question, how might we have women and girls lead in achieving gender equality?



As part of my sustainable blue sky project I am going to promote PLP and PBL learning to a developing country’s school. The reason I want to do this is so they can have the same opportunity as first world country’s and that they can learn from our experience and expertise. The goal is to creat a level playing field for all students anywhere in the world.

Why did I choose do do this?
Probably the biggest question about my project is why would I want to do this? Well as said up above it’s so we can give developing countries a way to gain a level playing field with the first world countries, it can help them develop good relations and with those relations they can get good trade deals with the first world countries. Because the younger generations are what we need to focus on developing so we can make the world a better place

How do I do this?
Another large question is how do I spread the PLP and PBL way of learning. It’s simple you just need to email school.

What defines a second world country?
second world” includes countries that were once controlled by the Soviet Union. Second world countries were centrally planned economies and one-party states. Notably, the use of the term “second world” to refer to Soviet countries largely fell out of use in the early 1990s, shortly after the end of the Cold War. Now this isn’t how I looked at it, I looked at it in a HDI based way. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. Here is a link that helped me a lot and will help you understand: https://brilliantmaps.com/first-second-third-worlds/


How might we get people to accept their differences and diversity and see through each other’s eyes?

That is the question that I started with during this project. As history and recent events have demonstrated, many people are afraid of what is different from them. Though that might have worked fine in the Stone Age, we now live in a modern society where it is important that everyone receives the same amount of respect and care. Since poetry is such a powerful way to send a message, I decided to write my own poem about diversity and respect.

It was harder than I thought though. After looking into some of the discrimination that minorities face every day and doing research on recent events surrounding police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement, I started to write. One thing I learned during this project is that I am very bad at writing poems.

It turned out ok though. I did a whole lot of brainstorming sessions and created a bunch of word clouds, and ended up with a poem that I am proud of.



Hello internet, we have a very interesting topic for our
exhibition this time, because this time we had to make something
that solves one or two of the goals UN is working on.

The goal I’m working on is goals number 8, good jobs and
economic growth. For this project I made a poster that would help
People understand the way they could help the country’s
economy, which is shown below.

Why did I choose this goal? Well, I choose this goal because
country at some point had a problem with economy growth,
especially at this point in time, you can’t go to work properly,
some small business can not open. These examples really slows
down the economic growth, so that’s why I want to help the
country’s economy.

Well, that will be it for this time!


For my project I want to create a call to action about a cause I care about, renewable energy. I saw the goal and was immediately interested interested in it, because my parents used to work in renewable energy, and I saw it as a great resource. However the way I wanted to make a change was to educate and give people the opportunity to make a difference. That’s why I created a brochure with all the basic information you need to know about my topic, and a list of places to donate to. My project was to encourage everyone to play a small part in making a difference, leading an eventual better future.


Places to donate:
