Category Humanities

Humanities includes work from both our socials and English classes

A Revolution is a Machine⛓

  I actually have no idea how to start this post. I’m running out of ways!! Sometimes I start them in a different language, sometimes I pretend I didn’t know you guys were there, and sometimes I just start by… Continue Reading →

How Can I Steampunk My Life?⚙️

  Hey there! Welcome back to another absolutely amazing post here at My Dog Ate My. We have been working on a unit all about revolutions and metaphors and circuits, none of those really go together at all you would… Continue Reading →

The Mountains Make Us🙌

Hey guys!! It’s been a while…. again. Since my last post about Identity, The Mountains and Me, my view on the topic has changed quite a bit. I was talking all about how Identity is how people see you, how… Continue Reading →

The Mountains and Me!!🗻

THIS IS MY FIRST POST FOR HUMANITIES SINCE LAST YEAR!!! Oh my goodness!!! This is just kind of like a check in instead of a whole over view of the whole unit, which took a really long time for me… Continue Reading →

Colonizing in a Tempest!! (aka a storm)🌩

Kshfdlascnvksgelgjmvfngldljgeb!! That was a fast forward through all of the silly jibber jabber I always include in the beginning, I was to lazy, it’s early in the morning guys!! Anyway, we just finished our last unit of the year, the… Continue Reading →


Yes, it’s that time of year again, it’s POL time. EPISODE 2: THE DREADED TPOL!! Now, if you don’t remember my last post on a POL, its called “mPOL” standing for mid-year presentation of learning. But now that it’s the… Continue Reading →

That Ferdinand??🐮

Welcome back, again, to My Dog Ate my Blog, where a 13 year old girl tells super interesting stories about the units she does in school!! Yaaaayyyyyy!! Ok guys, I was just joking, some of my other posts might be… Continue Reading →

This Changes EVERYTHING!!

皆さん、こんにちは, that means hello friends in Japanese, I’m really running out of ways to start these posts, seriously. Anyway, it’s time to talk about the last unit we did in Humanities, the Renaissance. Like we start every post, here is… Continue Reading →

A STITCH in Time (literally)

  Bonjour mon amis! I am here to talk to you about the latest and greatest unit we have been doing in Humanities….. Feudalism, the fall of Rome, Crusaders, all of that good stuff! We even got to sew! I… Continue Reading →

To Be, or Not To Be

Hey y’all! It’s been a while since the last time I posted, hasn’t it? For this “unit” in humanities we did poetry. The reason I call it a “unit” is because we only spent a week on it, it was… Continue Reading →

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