Tag video making

How Jordyn Thinks We Should Govern Ourselves👸

How should we govern ourselves? If you had asked me this question two months ago, before the election reflection and before the press release posts I worked on for this unit, I honestly would have had no idea how to… Continue Reading →

Kind-Of Confusing Chemistry⚗️

So. These past few months of grade 9 have been…… busy. Of course we have done tons of humanities and maker classes and lessons which you have seen in my posts but, what you haven’t heard much about yet is…… Continue Reading →

A Day In The Life of a Boss👨‍💼

(Intense music) We are almost at the finish line, the final challenge, the final level! Now, you may be asking, what final challenge, what final level, well………. IT IS THE END OF THE VIDEO MAKING UNIT!! DA DA DAAAAAA!  … Continue Reading →

A Revolution is a Machine⛓

  I actually have no idea how to start this post. I’m running out of ways!! Sometimes I start them in a different language, sometimes I pretend I didn’t know you guys were there, and sometimes I just start by… Continue Reading →

🏁!Go Seyhawks Go!🏁

Take your marks….. GO!! Hi guys, I’m here to tell you about our latest and greatest project we have done in maker, Live Event Videooooooooooossssss!!! This Live Event Video was a, well, a video documenting an event we participated in,… Continue Reading →

The Mountains Make Us🙌

Hey guys!! It’s been a while…. again. Since my last post about Identity, The Mountains and Me, my view on the topic has changed quite a bit. I was talking all about how Identity is how people see you, how… Continue Reading →

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