Hi there, I have risen from the dead to write again, just kidding! You are probably thinking, not another blog post but yes, another blog post. Over the past two months we have been plagued with a virus that I am sure everyone knows about, The Corona Virus or Covid-19🦠 if you prefer. It is the same virus and that is what inspired my teachers, Mrs Maxwell and Mr Gross to assign us this joint project called “Argh Matey” So lets get into the meat of this project, strap yourself in this is going to be an info. filled post.
So in April my two teachers who’s names are above, started a project called “Argh Matey” They were inspired to do so by the Corona Virus. This project consisted of history and cell science but I will discuss that later. So by now I think you all know what I am referring to when I say “Milestone” or a basic building block of knowledge for our projects.This is what I will show you so that you can see what we have been doing over that past two months. Oh, I forgot to mention what the end product is well that will have to be a surprise for the end. We also had a big idea and a mind map at the beginning here that are
Big Idea: life is processed at a cellular level
driving question: what is the significance of global expansionism, how do cells and diseases interact
the Mind Map for scimatics:
Osmosis Jones, Osmosis Jones is a movie from 2001, it tells the story of a body cop who used to be famous and well known. After a few slip ups he is forced to guard the most boring part of the body, the mouth. In doing so he gets carried away and ends up chasing bacteria from the mouth down through the body causing a power shortage. That releases a virus that almost destroys the body. So this was an example of what they wanted our project to look like. I cant wait, I made a comic book, yes, a comic book, I drew all of my comic books drawings and I am very proud of them. So we had to do X-ray panels in our comic book showing the inside of our explorers body.
So for mile stone two all we really had to do was read comic books, it was as simple as that. Then we had to mark down things like the style of the comic book, the art, the colours. This was easy and started us on the path towards creating our comic books.We had to read at least 3 or more if you wanted. My dad had a collection that he let me read so I was able to find quite a lot of ideas for mine. I really liked Black Panther. I really liked the art and drawings in the comics And it inspired me to get started.
Khan academy is a great platform but it is a bit difficult to use. We learned all about the cells that make up the body by watching videos and taking notes. We learned what the difference between animal cells and plant cells are, and that cells have a nucleus. We also learned all the different parts of a cell and their names.
There was also the competencies for this project:
The first competency is Establishing Historical Significance for Humanities. Basically this meant that we had to do a heck of a lot of research about are explorer. My explorer was Sir Martin Frobisher he was a British explorer around the 1500s. He found the Northern Passage and found the land that we now know as Labrador. I believe I accomplished this competency with my comic book. I have several references to Frobisher’s accomplishments. I believe the important parts about Frobisher are his journey and his back story. Those are the reasons he is well know for his adventure, he found Labrador and the northern passage.
The second competency for scimatics is communicating I completed this competency by talking with my teachers a lot through iMessages. To get my project as good as it could possibly be. So we used communication to talk about the project, we also used scientific language in our comics like, nucleus, virus, mitochondria.
The final competency is connecting this meant that we had to look at all the research and connect it to are thinking. I thought that Frobisher’s origin was pretty deep, he was poor, lonely and was thrown in prison. Even though it was his fault for stealing. Anyway after that he is freed by the queen. This is something that I can connect
here is the comic book I made I mentioned it earlier download it and have a read for yourself.
The comic is right there ———>
so in the end I really had fun make this comic and hope I can do more assignments/ projects like this. Yes, the Corona Virus made things difficult but it all worked out I can still learn even from home. I absorbed this information through Kahn academy for scimatics. For humanities we used google which you probably already know of. We used google to fin the history in the explorer we chose Anyway so this has been fun but I have another blog post to write, bye.