The Outsiders: just how much outside?

Hello! This blog post is the summary and story of my latest Humanities project, the Outsiders. In this project we read the book “the Outsiders” and learned about worldview. The driving question for this project is what can The Outsiders teach us about worldview? The reason we are learning this is because it allows Us to appreciate novels in a new way through worldview and also so you can get to know your own worldview. The adult world connection for this project was learning about your own worldview and identifying others.   

So unsurprisingly a large part of this project was reading the book the project was named after. All together I do like the Outsiders and its a good book to read on a raining day because its fairly short with only 126 pages. How the schedule was going to be for reading the book was we would read a chapter in class, read one at home, read a chapter in class, etc etc. Now if you know me IRL you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that when we were assigned the second chapter to read, I read that one, then a second, than a third, then the rest of the book. Because of this I never read another assigned chapter. But now, you might be saying, wouldn’t you forget what happened and when the inevitably ask you reflect on it but you could not? Fear not, reader! I thought of that! At the end of each chapter I wrote down a note of what happened in it and a question to ask to my reading group! (What a perfect segway into the next part of this paragraph) . As I just mentioned I had a reading group (who I forget but they were probably just my group members for this project, Charlie, Hannah, Owen, Magnus and Sofia), with whom I discussed with. We asked each others questions and answered them as respectfully as any other teenager (so not much. I remember the loud sounds (note: I am over exaggerating to be funny (haha(did you know for some reason I love brackets)))). One last thing I want to mention about this book is that we had to read it on the iPad. For everything that is good about PLP, I don’t like how sometimes it feels like they use technology just for the sake of using it.


The other half of this project was worldview. So lets talk about it. Our teachers broke worldview into seven parts, geography, time, knowledge, beliefs, values, society and economy. The first activity we did with this was taking a quiz to better learn about our worldview. There isn’t anything interesting to say about these so lets move! We also did a You vs. Who Character Analysis to look into worldview more. To do the You vs. Who Character Analysis we chose a character in the Outsiders, identify four traits they have, find evidence of those traits, and show how those traits correlate to an aspect of worldview. As another way of showing that we understand worldview, we made an individual movie poster. In this movie poster we had to incorporate at least two aspects of worldview. Now we also had to do drafts which I am learning to like, but I have talked about those before so I won’t delve into it here. Anyways, now that we each had a individual poster we wanted to make a group poster like how we did it in an ad this project. We smushed them together, took some more photos, edited sunsets, created a slogan and bam! We had a poster. I found it interesting that they taught us about worldview in this project. I believe now that it’s an important part of oneself and you should be aware of it.

The third part of this project was acting. For this we had to… act. Wow. GG. The part that we were going to perform -wait, sir, why who what when where would you perform? Well I’m glad you asked. We were going to perform at the exhibition, at our school, at 5:30-7:30, in front of whoever came. Now we performed a tableau. A tableau is a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history; a tableau vivant. (thank you google for that one) why group was assigned the act from the Outsiders when Darry was shot dead by police officers. The cast was us… I was Darry, Sofia was Police 1, Hannah was Police 2, Owen was Greaser 1, Magnus was Police 2, and Charlie was a lamppost. The props we had weren’t many but they did include a police car made of cardboard, a paper street that me, Owen, and Magnus made, and some paper trees that someone made. (I wasn’t there) Now you must be asking how did the exhibition go? Like this :], :), :(, D:, DD:, D:, :|. So it went so-so. If you do know me I am Neuro divergent. Because of this I have a hard time dealing with others, loud sounds… nvm this would conversation would go on to long to to put in this already long blog. Here, I’ll give you the best moments, first one: successfully stealing a hat from Andrew, then convincing Luca to let me borrow his switch-comb and then doing some sweet stealth of hand putting it under the hat that I stole from Andrew and then showing him I didn’t have it. We both then walked off but sadly then Luca thought that I put it in my hat so I ran away (I learned when to run from the Gambler) then gave it back. The next best moment was when I was acting like a detective to find some ones iPad. The final one was when me and Brooke were eating pizza together and complaining how we only got three slices. I would do a closing off sentence but this blog is already to long so to the closing end paragraph.

I did like this project and I loved ready the book. I think I did okay for my level of work. If I could change one thing it would be the exhibition. 

See ya around and goodbye , Judah G!

Carr: the Joy of the Pencil

Hello! This blog post is the summary and story of my latest Maker project. This project is divided in two parts, Carr and Herzog, so this is just the second blog post for this project. I was assigned Carr afterwards which you can tell from this post coming out second. Carr is all about my Apple Pencil and learning to draw. The driving question for this project is why is it important to use technology to further improve our ability to communicate and to think creatively? The reason we are learning this is because communication and creativity will be in almost all jobs by 2025 if not already and PLP wants us to prepare for that. The adult world connection is the understanding that we develop as we do the project, not exactly what we are working on specifically. Drawing helps with communication because you can express your thoughts and feelings in a truly unique manor when drawing.

The first thing we did was learn about all the different tools we have in Sketches Pro, the app we are using. My favourite tool is probably the Pencil. I like it because it looks realistic and its easing to sketch out ideas with without making it permanent. The first day was just used to play around and use the different tools. Come to think of it we also played around with patterns. 

My first sketch reflection I did was with drawing my name. What I learned with this is just because someone gives you some feedback, you don’t have to use it and it’ll still look cool. This ties in with something I’m always working on… perfectionism. I love this to be one hundred percent and perfect, but that’s impossible. As long as you feel its good, that’s enough. Though you should often listen to feedback, it can be quite helpful. The next homework piece we had was sketch notes. If you are like how I was and you have no idea what sketch notes are have no fear, for I am hear to tell you. A sketch note is a drawing with text, containers to organize, arrows and drawings. It is like notes, but a sketch. Pretty simple. Speaking of simple, I learned with this reflection that you don’t always need things to be complicated. For example, the sketch notes! They are simple but they can convey their message so well. The second to last assignment we did was… shading! I was so excited to see this because I really want to get better at it! And I feel I have! What we did for this reflection was we chose an object then it drew it and shaded it the best we could. I chose a D20 (a dice with 20 sides) which was pretty hard to draw. What I learned is that it is okay to spend a lot of time working one something, just not always. But choose carefully what you want to put a lot of effort into. Is it really worth it? This time it was because I had a blast! The final piece we had to do was draw a picture we took. This was to express perspective. I took a picture of my hallway and I think it came out really well, though I believe I could have done a better job with the shading. What I learned was the same thing as the last which was just proving it more. But my next homework assignment I get I won’t put as much thought into (maybe this one? (That’s a joke, teachers)). The final piece I did was my Colour Reflection. I have a lot of thought on it: My logo incorporates four things, my initials, a brain, a star, and a heart. The initials are there to show its me. The brain represents how I’m good at critical thinking. The star shows how i am my one person, one of a kind. And finally the heart represents all my emotions I have. Now that I have told you of all the pieces I drew, lets talk about my favourites snapshots for this project!

In this part of my blog I want to talk about my favourite parts of this project. I think I want to make this a recurring theme for my blogs. Need something to trademark™! My first favourite drawing for this project is… my Shading Reflection, the D20! It has my highest regards. I spent about 4 hours on it and I love it even if others don’t. The second favourite is my Perspective Reflection, my hallway! I spent less time on this one and did most of it in a car. My third favourite is my using Colour Reflection. Logo JG! It definitely isn’t the best but I do like it. I could have shaded it but I didn’t get around to it. I did make the representation for it and here is a mini-paragraph about it: My logo incorporates four things, my initials, a brain, a star, and a heart. The initials are there to show its me. The brain represents how I’m good at critical thinking. The star shows how I am my one person, one of a kind. And finally the heart represents all my emotions I have. Now that’s all my favourites for this project.

All together I believe I did great job on this project and loved the drawing. Not only did I like the general project, but I’m also content with my drawings and work in general.

See ya around and goodbye, Judah G.