Hello and welcome to my first blog in a mini five part blog series! In this series I will be detailing one of my favourite hobby’s, Magic: the Gathering! Since I need to churn five of these blogs, these will be smaller. This blog will be about giving you an entry level knowledge of Magic for the other blogs. Now lets jump into it!
Magic is a tabletop and digital collectable card game created by Richard Garfield. It is owned now and run by Wizards of the Coast. (Wotc) Magic was one of the first big CCG, if not the first. It is extremely complex and has many rules. There are generally two people per game but you can really have any amount. There are two archetypes for playing the game, Limited and Constructed. Limited is when you take some random packs of cards and make decks with them on the spot. Limited decks have 40 cards. Constructed is when you take your collection and make a deck to fit the criteria of a format. They have 60+ cards per deck. What’s a format you ask? Why a format is way to play Magic. Different formats have different rules and cards your allowed to use. Here’s a link to the Wotc formats page here.
The general feel of the rules to begin is this: each turn you get one more “mana.” With that mana you can cast spells. (your cards) You draw one card per turn from your library. (Your deck of cards) To win you traditionally get all your opponents to 0 HealthPoints. (HP) The main way of dealing damage to your opponents is by attacking them with creatures. Creatures are cards that you play that are like animals or monsters. They can be almost anything of that sort. They have a certain amount of HP and Damage that they can deal. When you attack an opponent with a creature, they could have one of their creatures block it. In this situation instead of the opponent taking damage, the the two creatures would fight and try to kill each other. If one of them did, then it would go to your graveyard (the discard pile). Oh one more thing. There are five different elements to choice to play: white, blue, black, red and green. This is the extreme basics and if you want some more info about it while still just learning watch this video here.
Stay tuned for the next Magic blog and see ya around and goodbye, Judah G!
Hi Judah
I think that a lot of people will learn about magic from this. Anyway i was wondering what your favorite colour(s) are in magic.
-Luca/wildcard (also go see my blog, blog44.ca/lucat.)
You know why favourite colours. Red and blue, Izzet!