Team Member Contract

Team Member Contract

How do I work as a team?


User Manual Bits:


This device may…

  • Correct you out of nowhere rudely
  • Say something particularly witty
  • Start getting very hostile and weepy
  • Explode if not given enough food


Problem Solution
He just insulted you and you feel hurt. Tell Judah you feel hurt. Then he will be so sorry and try to make up right there and then.
He has tears in his eyes and he’s insulting you very severely. He is overstimulated and/or mass amounts of anxiety. When this happens contact a teacher immediately.
Your really frustrated and you need someone to talk to. Try finding Judah and going on a walk and try talking to him.

Tips to maintain optimal performance

Give lots time alone each day.

Enough food throughout the day.

Ten or more hours of sleep each night.


The creative piece of media I made is called “I Will Contract.” It’s different drawings of objects or pictures that I feel symbolize well with what I will do. The things I said I will do are listen, bring us together, have ideas, ask questions and be helpful. This answers the question ‘how do I work as a team’ because it shows what I will do and what I do already. If you ever feel I’m not doing what I said I would do please tell. I truly want to be a great PLP Team member.


I also added some parts of my User Manual I believe should be in my contract. I do often say things before I think or that might hurt your feelings. I am normally able to catch myself right after, but I am still trying to work on that. It also has things I need to do for myself like eat enough food and alone time. If I don’t do these things I will become a weepy, hostile, emotional monster. When this happens all the things that I have said about myself go out the window. Tell a teacher right away. My Memoji Laptop

has different symbols or logos or things I like, and I even customized all of them except the game controller and d20. The stickers I used are all mean different  things that I enjoy. There is the discord logo, which symbolize friends and the Magic logo symbolizes my love of games. The YouTube logo symbolizes all the amazing creators online, the game controller shows how I play video games, and the pink shape with twenty sides, a d20, shows my love of D&D. Finally there is the red and yellow sweatshirt which symbolizes Judah and the person I am.