Semester ending

Hey, welcome back to my blog. I’ll show today what have we done so far in maker, humanities, and scimatics.

I’ll begin with my humanities. In the very beginning we did project with deep cove places. My group got covert.  We did a lot of  work with decorating our ad. We were able to have meetings with the owner of the shop covert.  It was very interesting to imagine ourselves as we were like adults doing work with elder people.

This is our final group ad.

For the next part of humanities we did project called “The Outsiders”. We were reading the book outsiders first and then we got to watch the movie outsiders. After that, we got new groups. Every group got their own scene. We got scene #4. The burning church. Apparently, I wasn’t able to make it because I was sick. My group did very well, even tho I tried helping them out as much as I was able.

After the outsiders project, we did project “working with words” in this project we did work with poems included in it. We had a zoom meeting with parents, and we were presenting the poems we did in class the same day. We also did an eBook and 9 other poems. We did: simile, metaphor, haiku, found, imagery, sound, experience, personification, and self-portrait poem.

Next part of my learning I’ll do about maker.

We did a project called “Becoming a PLP Learner” in that project, we basically were explained on how all of our iPads work, and we did activities to help us learn things.

After, we did constructive creative communication. I  started with Herzog. Herzog was a famous photography artist a long time ago. We did some ways of photography just like he did.

First assignment: composing compositions. We had to learn how to adjust focus and exposure, rule of thirds, backgrounds and foregrounds, and editing in the camera app. It was pretty fun.

Second assignment: adjusting angles. In this assignment we learned how to experiment with basic angles, play with lighting, and use preset filters in Camera and Photos app.

Third assignment: manufacturing mood. we used some of the previous apps we used to do. We also tried using panorama, scale, and contrast.

Fourth assignment: creating collages. What we did in this assignment: basis keynote with photos, advanced keynote with photos, and create story board for your images.

Fifth assignment: molding movement. This was our final assignment. We did: burst mode, live photo, change the appearance of a photo over time using Keynote, and add motionn to a photo.


After herzog, I had Carr.

She was a Canadian artist and writer who was inspired by the Indigenous people of Pacific Northwest Coast. One of the painters in Canada to adopt a Modernist and Post-Impressionist  style, Carr did not receive widespread recognition for her work until she changed her subject matter from Aboriginal themes to landscapes — forest scenes in particular, evoking primeval grandeur. As a writer Carr was one of the earliest chroniclers of life in British Columbia. The Canadian Encyclopedia describes her as a “Canadian icon”.

Lesson one: Using Pressure Word Art. We learned how to do our names with a piece of art, and how to make it out of lines.

This is what I have made.


Lesson two: Sketch Note Reflection. We had to earn how to make scotch notes. Scratch notes are something where you draw, and write ideas down.


Lesson three: Shading Reflection. We learned how to shade in on our iPads just like real artist do on their canvases. It was a great skill to learn and I’m sure it would help to some of the people who has also learned that.

I cant say this one was one of the best works, but it didn’t turn out super bad.


Lesson four: Perspective Reflection. We learned how to use layers in Sketches Pro. It’s also a very useful tool to outline picture. A lot of artist use it. I used a picture of my friend for that project.

After constructive creative communication, we did 5 blog posts. I did my about fashion. Style in literature is the literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words — the author’s word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence arrangement all work together to establish mood, images, and meaning in the text. Style describes how the author describes events, objects, and ideas. Those were some of the words I included into my blog #1 post.

I would like to end this with scimatics.

One of the projects was numbers spreadsheet probability of time. We were supposed to track our timing throughout the week. Then in the end of the week, we had to present it. 

Before we started our second project, we did a couple of science worksheets. Second project that we have done was one of the coolest projects. We were partnered up with 1 or 2 people. So in total we had groups of 2 and 3 people. After we got our groups, we started thinking of what could we do for our board game. Me and my partner Hannah had a couple of ideas right away. We got very good ideas, even tho in the end we completely changed the game rules, and we wanted to do the game a bit different than it ended up. 

We had made so many changes, but after all I think our game turned out pretty well. We made it simple, we had a sheet of paper, and then we decorated it with lines like in an map and added some pieces of continents. 

There were added pieces of tectonic plates, slab pull, and etc. It will show most of the stuff in the next image. That is my Mindnode. Mindnode explains what are tectonic plates and what they are made of. 

This is the Mindnode explanation.

After, we did our Laws of Laser. We did it for about 2 months. It was very interesting especially on Milestone 5. We built a place where we putted our mirrors and the laser was supposed to make a triangle.

 This is the photo of triangle laser.

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