Comic cells

Comic cells is one of the projects from scimatics. In this project we created a comic book with the bacteria or virus we chose. Like in any other scimatics projects there were 5 milestones.

The first milestone was creating a mind map. In the mind map we had to discover different bacterias, and viruses.

Milestone 2: creating disease wanted poster. In this milestone, we had to choose a bacteria or a virus and create a poster. Hereโ€™s a photo of how it looked:

Our 3rd milestone was a test. We had to do about 5 quizzes before the actual test. It was an online test, and you could watch helpful videos to help learn about the topic. It wasnโ€™t much for grading, it was mostly to understand on what we have learnt so far in scimatics. ย We had to hand it a picture of our skills, here it is:

Milestone 4 was a storyboard, in it we basically made a draft for milestone 5, which was a comic book. We were given storyboard template and we created different stories, with our viruses and bacterias included. This is what I created:

Milestone 5, the last milestone. Like i said previously, it was about creating a comic book. We used an app called comic life. Of course, we had to add our virus and bacteria. I chose a virus called spirilla. These are the photos from my comic book:



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