Do you want to know how I became a medieval art piece? Keep reading to find out!
The driving question for this project was “What can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?” We can learn lots from the past, such as learning about the societies. The Haudenosaunee and the Feudal system were societies, and they helped shape our nation today. Read more, because all these assignments helped answer the driving question. Learning about how different people lived really changed my mindset about the past. It must’ve been hard to live in that time period. Read more to see what’s up with the rest of the project!
We explored many new areas in this project, and they all helped to make my final project the best it could be.
The Book of the Lion
The book we read in this project is called The Book of the Lion. This book was set in the medieval times. I enjoyed this book, but I don’t think it would be my first choice.
We started this project off by learning about how different societies were run. The ones we looked closely at were the Haudenosaunee and the Feudal.
The Haudenosaunee
We read a passage about the Haudenosaunee confederacy, the systems of government, the grand council, the clan system, and women’s rights in this time period.
Our first assignment from the reading was we had to create something- a blog post, drawing, or MindNode to show our understanding and perspective of the Haudenosaunee. We then had to explain what our creation represented. I used sketches pro for this drawing.
I chose to draw how the five nations came together to create one big nation. I handed in my drawing with two short paragraphs explaining how the 5 different societies came together to make one big society, and how I took perspective on the Haudenosaunee nation.
I didn’t meet all of the criteria on this assignment, so I got a revision sign. 🔄
I reread the criteria, and made my thinking more clear. My revision came out much cleaner, neater, and it explained what I needed to fix.
Feudal System Window Notes
While we were reading the passage about the Feudal system, we made notes on it in Sketches Pro. We had to have 5-6 points in each box, which I didn’t read, so I received a 🔄 on this assignment. I went back, read the criteria, and handed in my updated one that I had so many notes on, my writing ended up outside the 4 quadrants.

Second Draft

First Draft
Shared Beliefs Pic and Reflection
This felt like it was one of the harder assignments in this project. We did this assignment in class, and it was hard, because not everyone in ur group was helping. It doesn’t matter though, because not every person is going to work hard, and there’s always a couple of people who don’t contribute to the group a lot. I had trouble with this because I felt like I didn’t fully understand the assignment. I first submitted the work we did on the whiteboards.
Once I had finished this, I got started on the question- what similarities do you see between the changes in Christianity and Islam? I finished this and was feeling pretty good until… 🔄. Again! I forgot to answer the SECOND question! I was frustrated and so I set off to answer question number 2! I was starting to write a very detailed couple of paragraphs in Showbie when my paragraphs deleted. From then on, I always write things in Pages before I put the document in Showbie. I spent a long time on this, and it was worth it because I got proficient! ✅
This is the pages document that I handed in. I answered the second one in full detail and in my opinion, it looks really good!
Artwork Choice Chart
This was definitely the hardest part of this project. We had to create a chart with the 7 different aspects of worldview plus our main image, which was from the medieval times and from the app, Google Arts and Culture. The 7 aspects of worldview are geography, time, society, values, beliefs, economy and knowledge.
This was confusing because I didn’t understand how to do it. Once I had figured it out, all that was left to do, was fill in every box… seems like a lot. It wasn’t actually bad at all. I got into a groove, and all of a sudden the time flew by and I was done! I had to make a couple of changes once I had consulted Ms. Willemse, but I got back on track pretty quickly.
Artwork Starring You!
This artwork piece was the final product of all the assignments we did throughout this project. I am really proud of how this artwork came out, and it reflects how much work I put into it. This was hard, because we were learning how to use a new app. We started out by learning the basics of the app, and how to navigate all the tools. This app is called SuperimposeX.
The next step to making this was putting the photo in. We had to use the mask tool to remove the background form our image. The images we used from our artwork choice chart were the 7 images we inputted into our SuperimposeX document. We could choose where to put them, for example I put the crown on my head, that was taken from the image of King John in the society category. Once I had put all the images in, I just tweaked a few thongs and them I was set to hand it in.
I was really proud of how this turned out, and it was worth all the other assignments, because I think it looks really good.
This was a vey exciting project. It had lots of ups and downs, but I really liked how it turned out, and overall it was a super fun project. I think I have reached Proficiency in risk project because I have demonstrated how even if you get a revision, its not the end of the world, and you can still fix your mistakes. I have made so many mistakes in this project, it’s too many to count, but I kept on moving, and I think the final product looks good. I would definitely do this again, because it was fun for the most part, except for the revisions. Overall I really enjoyed this project, and learning how to use new apps.
Thanks for reading! Keep your eyes peeled for my next post!