We just completed a big project in Maker. The driving question for this project was ‘who am I as a PLP learner?’ In answering this question, we visited multiple areas including learning how to use multiple apps such as WordPack and Keynote. Within the apps, we discovered how to use the drawing tools, all of the features within the paintbrush ( in Keynote ), animation, and how to remove the background off of images.
But wait! Before I get into showing my work, you should check out my YouTube video! You can find my YouTube channel here. That’s for my YouTube channel, but if you want to see my very first post, then watch it below:
We went through many small assignments to come up with the keynote presentation. The first one was making a Memoji.
The first step was to make my Memoji. I chose my specific hair colour, skin tone, freckles, nose shape, and face shape. Once I had completed my Memoji, I revisited the criteria for this project. We had to use colour fill, an image from the web, image fill, gradient fill, removing the background from an image, adding an outline on a shape, and animating all stickers on my laptop.
This was a fun assignment for me. Despite all of the fun I had with this project, I definitely have some areas I could work on. One area that I could definitely improve on would be putting less stickers on my laptop. I had so many things I wanted to put on, that I couldn’t decide how to cut the number down. My favourite sticker on my laptop would be the soccer ball because soccer is my favourite sport. I am at the soccer field 4-5 times a week, and I love every minute of it.
My least favourite part of my presentation would be my user manual. I had trouble thinking about what to write, and I made some mistakes when I handed it in. I revised it, and came out with a user manual looking a lot better and that didn’t have the mistakes from before. The user manual is a guide to myself as a learner and as a person. If you want to learn more about me as a person, then go check out my About me page, where I show my full user manual!
Reflecting back on this assignment and knowing that it wasn’t my favourite, I could definitely work on some things. I feel like I rushed this project, when I could’ve calmed down and been more thoughtful about it.
I really enjoyed making my ‘I am’ photo. The criteria for this assignment was we had to take a selfie and then use our descriptions that we brainstormed before to write on our photo. These are my descriptions. I used these as a resource for which phrase I was going to use.
I don’t really think I have anything to work on in this photo. I think I could probably make it cleaner and less crowded, but I think its pretty good.
I was really proud of my WordPack. The app WordPack is pretty easy to understand, including its functions and features. It is really self explanatory. Despite the fact that it didn’t take too long, I had a lot of fun creating my WordPack. I don’t believe that I can improve on anything because I didn’t create the shape. Overall, I am happy with the words, shape, and colour.
The first step to making a WordPack is inputting the text you want. I used the ‘I am’ statements from above as inspiration for this. Then you get to choose the shape! I chose a butterfly because they are so elegant, graceful, and because it looked good with the colour and how it filled the page. The most exciting step is for last. Colour! You can either choose an already made colour palette, or you can design your own.
This wasn’t particularly one of my favourite parts of this project. I learned a lot within this project, such as colour fill, image fill, using and changing shapes from the shape library. Despite learning all of those helpful skills, the most important one was animation. I learned how to animate all 3 of my shapes. I now know how to spin shapes clockwise and counterclockwise, move shapes different directions, and change the intro and outro.
Reflecting back on this project, I think that I could’ve spent more time making the background better.
Watch my fidgets: First Draft Second Draft
The Nike shoe we created was super fun! I expanded my skills in multiple areas, such as learning more about colour fill, the drawing tool bar, and adding shapes/images to it. We started this project by going through a presentation Mr. Harris created on Keynote. We explored how to use multiple skills throughout this process. This was very helpful because he explained how to use specific skills through activities he made in the presentation. We could edit the activities so we could try them ourselves. My favourite was the Nike shoe.
I chose dark green for the main outline of the shoe, because it’s my favourite colour. I changed the colour of the stitching to white from black, so it stood out against the green. Lastly, I added a soccer ball sticker because soccer is my favourite sport! I really like how the whole shoe matches.
I don’t think I could improve on this shoe in any way. I think that all the colours work together in a nice way. I like how the background matches with the shoe.
I can use these skills in many places now and in the future.
Making presentations will require using a lot of these skills. I will know how to use keynote, a reliable stable app to use for presentations. I now know how to embed a video into a presentation, acquire all the features in keynote, and much more.
I can also be super helpful by teaching others all of the cool things I now know. I think that all these skills will come in handy someday, doing something random. Editing a video to post, I don’t have to think twice about how to do it, it just becomes muscle memory.
I really appreciate everyone reading my posts. It means a lot, because I spend lots of time creating my posts, and all my work.
Keep watching for my next post!
Hey! How’s it going. This post was so inspirational and just amazing in general. I love your layout!
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