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Hello! These are my parents, Katie and Ian Mortimer. 

Statement of Learning

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


Let’s start with Maker. Maker has been my favourite PLP class so far this year. I love art, and involving myself in creative and unique ways, and having fun while experimenting. I had 3 teachers for Maker this year; Mr. Harris, Ms. McWilliam, and Ms. Kadi.

The very first project we did in Maker was Becoming a PLP Learner. I enjoyed this project  because I acquired so much useful information. We learned how to use multiple apps such as Keynote, Notability, Pages, WordPack, and some small details on other apps. I think my favourite app that we learned about would be WordPack. You put text into a box, and then you can choose your shape and colour. The app configures the words to go with the shape and colour which ends up looking really cool. This is mine that I made. We all thought of words to describe ourselves, and then made our own personal WordPack.


Making my Memoji was my favourite part of this project. I enjoyed this, because I got to display  myself through an emoji. When I was creating it, I contemplated carefully how well the stickers went together, and the depth and perception of how they looked on my laptop. I acquired skills such as animating my stickers in keynote by making them spin, bounce, drop, burn fire, and more. 

Success and FAILS

I think my design on my final presentation was very me. I included drawing skills I learned from one of our other Maker projects, Finding Fun with Drawing. I decorated the pages, and made sure the patterns and background carried throughout my entire presentation. I think I was proficient in this area, because of my marks, but also because I tried really hard and participated with class discutions. 

One thing I believe I struggled with was time management and productivity. I tend to leave things to do last minute, and when I do finally get to them, I spend lots of time working on it when I really could have done it earlier, and I would be less stressed. My goal for this in the future, is to start right away when the assignment is addressed to us, and then I will have more time over the days to making sure it gets done to the best of my ability. 


I just started science in the second semester. My teacher, Ms. Kadi is awesome. She explains things really well, and is super enthusiastic about teaching us. We have only completed one project so far, Mind over Matter. 

Mind over Matter has been a great experience for me, because we leaped into the deep end,  and involved ourselves with learning about atoms, physical and chemical properties, determining mass, and how to use scratch. We also got to learn how to use microscopes and the different parts of them. We all got to make our own sliders, which fit under the microscope so we can look at them. I used dirty water, and found little critters in the murky water. 

Our final project for science was to create and code your very own video game on scratch. Scratch can be extremely glitchy and finicky. I started by making a plan for my game, and handed it in. When I got the go ahead, I started to explore with scratch and tried to figure out how it all worked.  My game deleted multiple times, which was quite frustrating. In the end, I got scratch to cooperate with me, and I finished my drop game. I showed my knowledge through the game, because you need to collect all the different parts of an atom. Once you get to 50, you move onto a page that explains the different parts of the atom in some detail. 

Play my video game here!

Success and FAILS

I think I succeeded in making my game easy to play, yet still complicated at its core. I spent a ton of time creating my scratch game, Atom Drop, and I think it payed off really well. I am proud of what I have created because it displays how much new information I learned, but also because I really like how my game turned out. I used my coding skills, which were newly learnt, and put them to work by coding an entire game! I think I was proficient in Science because I was intent to learn, and I payed attention to what Ms. Kadi was saying.

One thing I think I could’ve improved on in this project would be my resilience. I got quite frustrated when my game kept deleting my progress, I wanted to make an easier game to code. Instead of thinking ‘I need to make sure I can code an easy game so it doesn’t delete, my mindset should have been, ‘okay, it deleted again. How can I figure out a way to make sure my entire game is saved?’ My goal in the future, would be to persevere and keep going, even if I face some hardships.


Humanities has been an interesting block for me. I quite enjoy some of the content we learned about, while other things I couldn’t absorb as well. One of the things that really stood out to me, was the winter exhibition and the lead up to it. Previously to the winter exhibition we learned about the Renaissance and medieval periods in time. Our assignment was to create a triptych representing three time periods; the Renaissance, medieval, and present day. We were to then put these into a tableau, which we would present at the winter exhibition. We were put into groups for this, and I felt as though Ella and I were great leaders in the group. We made sure our group members were on task, everyone was contributing a bit, and practicing! Our props was my favourite part about our entire presentation because we spent hours making them, and to see everyone saying they liked them was quite rewarding. 

Success and FAILS

I enjoyed the journey throughout the winter exhibition. Our group grew together, and we really bonded during the process. I liked how we worked together to make 3 tableaus into 3 amazing works of art. My proudest moment was the very last presentation we did, when my teachers and Mrs. Best were watching. During the contemporary, everyone was like, ‘wow, it looks great’, and ‘all that work turned into something great.’ This was nice to hear after all the hard work we had put in. I think I am proficient in Humanities because I am present in conversations, and I share my ideas openly even if I am not always correct. I also have ✅ in my assignments. 

The biggest struggle for me was getting everything done in time. Time management can sometimes be hard for me. We had our ideas, but we didn’t start getting together costumes and building props until the last couple weeks. We were even still building a prop on the morning of the event. My goal for the future is to start as soon as possible after the project has been assigned, because it will cause less stress for me leading up to the due date. 

Learning Plan

At the beginning of the year, I completed a learning plan, which shows what I am good at, what I can grow in, and how I can get support in these areas. 


How Can I Grow as a Learner?

I have talked about some things from multiple areas, but I think the ones I need work in are preparation, self-regulation, and communication and collaboration. Some areas I have shown improvement in are attending to tutorial more often, and asking for help when I need it. I like things done my way, there is no other way of saying it. I can grow by using other peoples ideas, and making sure everyone gets a turn to talk. Another one of my goals for the future, is to know when enough is enough. Sometimes I spend too much time working, when it’s good enough. I really want to do well and achieve extending, so I need to put quality work in instead of just work. Making good use of time is a big thing for me, because I am a very busy person, and I need to use my time well. I have one big goal that I am setting for the rest of the year, that I will reflect on in my TPOL. I want to achieve extending is some, if not all of my PLP subjects. This is really important to me because it sets my standards for next year, and to keep pushing myself as a learner.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for reading my script for my very first MPOL! I spent lots of time working on this, and so thank you for listening to my yap!

All About AR Maker

Have you ever tried using AR maker? The app is hard, frustrating, and rewarding. 

My Final AR Maker Video

Watch my final AR Maker video here!

European Exploration

These past 5 weeks, we have learned about the cause and consequence of exploration. We read about the motivation of European exploration, early trading, and of course, the cause and consequences of exploration.


 The driving question for this project was,  how can we use storytelling to investigate what  sparked global exploration and understand its impact? We can use story telling by making a story! We all made a AR maker video to do with this project. Mine tells the story of a girl called Anika. Anika desperately wanted to set sail with her father, and explore the world. One day when her father was leaving on a voyage, she decided to sneak her way along. She made it to the middle of the ocean, when a big wave hit her and knocked her overboard. Anika washed up on the shores of the land they called ‘Newfoundland’ (New Found Land). She somehow transmitted a disease called small pox to the people of the Americas. The disease grew and grew bigger, and it became exceptionally dangerous. Years later, her father reunited with her when he was on a voyage to the Americas. The two of them lived happily ever after in the land called the Americas. 

AR Maker

AR maker can be extremely confusing and hard to operate. You need to press place in a specific area, and make sure that you do not lose sight of your little friend in the white placing box. It was a very frustrating app at first, when we were making our practice stories. My story was deleting over and over, and I was done with the app. I then just kept moving forward, and was glad when I finished.

Small Pox

 I think my story shows my knowledge very well because I demonstrated how the Europeans transmitted the disease ‘small pox’ into the Americas. The disease lasted for many many years,  and was highly contagious. Small children and women were most likely to contract the disease, while men were just the little bit more immune. The more people were exposed to small pox, the more their immune system built up, but the disease could still harm them harshly. Later, a vaccine was created to stop small pox, which helped a lot. Although people were taken care of, there weren’t enough hospitals for everyone, and thousands sadly past away from it.


Overall on this project, I am proud of what I have accomplished, and created. I did get some revisions, but I took them in well, and used them to fuel me to make my next draft better. At the end, I got all 👌, and I feel good about that. In the future, I think I could’ve gotten the whole project done faster, but it’s all okay, because it is done and I am proud of the work I have produced. Thanks for reading, and keep your eyes peeled for my next post!

Destination Imagination – How It Went

Destination Imagination

DI stands for Destination Imagination, and it is a project based program that teaches kids life skills. These skills include being innovative, creative, collaborative, and more. In PLP, we enter the tournament every year. My group is in the fine arts challenge, and and here is a bit about my experience from the provincials tournament, and the lead up to it. 

Past Experience

I have done DI before. In grade 4, my friends and I entered the tournament. Covid was going on that year, and we were doing everything either online, or in my basement with masks on. We didn’t really know how long Covid was going to last, but we tried our best to make the most of what we could do. We were in the fine arts challenge, and we decided we were going to make a Malala music video. We made all of our music by ourselves in garage band, with help from my Mom who was the team manager. My group consisted of 5 people; Madeline, Ella, Cece, Paxtyn, and me. Paxtyn has a great singing voice, so she sang the chorus, and the song. We all wrote the lyrics to the song, and it is actually good!

When we finally finished our music video, we all felt a sense of relief. We had filmed everyone separately online, and then somehow put it together. Ella’s cousin named Buzz is really great at editing. The awards ceremony was online, and we were all really proud when we won globals in grade 4! We came 2nd in our instant challenge which was still something to be proud of.  I cannot add the video, for some friends in my group do not want the world to watch. You can probably find it online if you look up 2018/2019 DI Global Finals.


Doing DI this year was different through. We didn’t get to choose our groups, and we were working with people we hadn’t before.  My team struggled with getting things done, so one weekend, when we had 2 professional days, we met up at my house and got to work! We had lots of fun playing with the saw, and painting. We finished all of our props on those 2 days which left only a couple things to do. We had to complete the costumes, forms so we could enter the tournament, and most importantly, PRACTICE! 

Team Work

My team and I went through some hardships along our way. Teamwork was one of them. Not all members were helping at times, because they were distracted by games, and texting on their iPads. As I’m sure most people know, it can be frustrating to work in a group that doesn’t help a lot of the time. My teammates showed up, and I that’s sometimes as much as you can ask of someone. 

Instant challenge

Although I cannot disclose much information about my teams instant challenge, I can say that I am proud of us, and I thought we did really well. 

Final Product

I think we have a lot to learn for the next DI competition, but for our first, in person regionals event, I think it went okay. We all need to know our lines better for the provincials, and some of our props broke, so those need to be fixed. Our team did not place. We came 4th. If we had 4 more points we would’ve been 3rd. Although it matters to me a lot, it doesn’t to some, and that’s okay. But I want to do better in the next competition, so watch out team! The Colosseum Crushers are coming! Other than some minor details, I am proud of our group, and we can get better for the next event. Good job to The Colosseum Crushers!!!

Thanks for reading! Keep your eyes peeled to see how my team did in the Provincials!

All About Atoms!

Have you run out of games to play? Try my game, I made it myself!

These past few weeks, my science class has taken on the project of using Scratch to make our very own games about atoms.

Try my game

Atom Drop


Before we started this project, we had learned all about atoms. We focused on the structure, and then the background of atoms. We talked about who discovered them, and what different scientists theories were. We did lab experiments, and took notes on what we discovered. We used math to figure out the mass of objects, and we even got to use iodine!


Our big project for this section of Science was making a video game in Scratch that displayed our knowledge about atoms. We handed in a plan for our game on Showbie, and then got the  go-ahead to start coding. The first couple days we got to play around with the site, and figure out things on our own. I then started to code my game. Scratch was very frustrating because my game I started deleted a few times. I had to start again, which cost me even more time, digging into time I like to spend playing sports, friends, and family.


 At first when I started I didn’t really understand how Scratch worked. After 20 minutes of trying to figure out my very complicated game, I realized it wasn’t going to happen. A game might seem simple, but as soon as you try and code it yourself you will realize that, nope, it is super hard. It was all okay though, because I quickly adjusted to making a simple atom drop game, and my life suddenly seemed good again! I used a YouTube video to help me, because this is the first time I have ever used Scratch, and it was hard. The video explained the different steps really well, and it helped me a lot.

Making My Game

My game is a drop game. You need to collect all the different parts of an atom; the protons and  neutrons inside the nucleus, the electron orbits, and the electrons. My game is coded, so when you collect 50 parts of the atoms, you go onto another screen that explains all of the parts in detail, and tells you a but about the parts. In an atom, the various parts are neutrons, protons, electrons, nucleus, and the electron orbits.  

Definitely go play my game! It is fun, I made it myself, and it’s fun! Go enjoy yourself!


Reflecting back on this project, I felt many different emotions. I was angry because my game deleted a few times, happy because it’s done, and excited for other to try it! I am glad I got to experience this project, because I think it was a good area for me to grow in. I always like things to go my way, but that doesn’t always happen. I loved playing all my friends games, and I hope they like mine. I worked very hard on my game, and assignments, so I really look forward to hearing my critique in this project. I am proud of what I have accomplished, and I am grateful for all of those who have helped me make my game! Thanks for reading my blog post All About Atoms!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next one! 

Working With Words! My Poetry Journey!

Do you like poetry? At first I wasn’t sure I did, but this project might have changed my mind. Read on!

At first, when I heard that we were doing a project on poetry, I wasn’t very happy, or excited. I have never enjoyed poetry, because I find it hard to write about most things, especially myself. 

Favourite Part

My favourite part of this project was the About Me video and poetry in my poetry book. I enjoyed making it because it was a good starting point that helped me with the rest of this project. Another amazing help was the very first project we did in grade 8! This was because we learned all about our worldview, which we needed to write the poems. My MindNode helped me as well because I had brainstormed about the 7 pieces of worldview.


My least favourite part of this project was writing the found poem. I found it difficult to find the right book to use, and then choosing words out of it. Despite my struggles, all the poems were pretty fun to create.


In this project, the easiest poem for me to write would probably be my sound poem. I had to connect and base all my poems off of my worldview. Our first project this year was learning all about our worldview, so I knew a lot about it coming into this project.

Driving Question

Our driving question for this project was “How might I write poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am?” this project was not my favourite, but I fought through it to write what I think are lucid poems. All of the poems we wrote are connected in some way to our worldview. My worldview is how I see the world, my beliefs, knowledge, values etc. At first I found it hard to express myself through my poetry, but throughout the project, I became more motivated to spending time to make my poems the best they could be, rather than just being good enough. The farther we got into the project, the more I enjoyed it. 

So what poems did we write?

Here are the poems that we wrote:

– Simile Poem

– Extended Metaphor Poem

– Sound Poem

– Haikus

– Found Poem

– Experience Poem

– Imagery Poem

– Self Portrait Poem

For all of these poems we created a document in pages for the terms. For each term we wrote what it meant, and an example. 


Throughout this project, I feel like I became more aware of my surroundings and what is happening around me. I am very proud of how much I have grown and learned with this project. Although poetry still wouldn’t be my first choice, I enjoy it a lot more than I did before we started this project. This has helped me in lots of ways, but mainly focusing on things that I wouldn’t normally pay attention too. 

Thanks for reading and keep your eyes peeled for my next post!


Radical Innovations or How It’s Going

Through group work, hard work, and lots of tears we have come to an end with our stressful exhibition.

Do you want to know why the lead up to this exhibition was so demanding? Read on to find out!


As we are grade 8s this year, we just had our very first exhibition. An exhibition is when the PLP students present to our parents, relatives, and the public. This year the grade 8s were split into 5 groups, and we were presenting a set of 3 tableaus. The three tableaus were based on medieval, Renaissance, and contemporary times. A tableau is a group of stationary figures representing a scene.

Medieval Tableau

The first tableau we presented was medieval. This was our planning for the medieval tableau. We have planned out everything from the drawing, to who’s playing each part. Once this drawing was done, we could start making props, and writing the script. Each tableau had to consist of 7 aspects of worldview; geography, time, values, beliefs, economy, and knowledge. For geography we did a horse, which represented how people used to travel. They could explore new places, and know where they are so it could be recorded on a map. Time was shown through a sundial we created. A sundial was the main use of telling time in the medieval times. For society, we did knights because they were a key part of the kingdom, doing their part to protect everyone. We chose a king for values because the people of the kingdom valued the king to lead them well. The king lead them into battles, and made big decisions for them. For beliefs, we did a cross the king is holding. The people in medieval times were Christian’s, and believed a lot in that. Knowledge is shown through a map that the king is holding because they relied on maps for where they were traveling to. The last one is is economy, and we have shown that through the expensive fabrics that the king is wearing.

Contemporary Tableau

The contemporary tableau was the hardest for me. I have no idea why because we are living in contemporary times at the moment. Just like the other 2 tableaus, we had to use all 7 aspects of worldview. Our voting booth is displayed to show society because these days we have the opportunity to vote for whoever we like. Our voting booth also shows values, because back in the medieval and Renaissance times, women were not allowed to vote, but nowadays we are. Geography is shown through the food truck as the truck can move places to serve its food. Sven is representing beliefs because he believes that he would be the best choice for someone to vote for him. During elections, you see the people who are running have signs on the side of the road, in peoples lawns, or even people holding them! Time is displayed with the clock,because clocks are how people tell time today. Economy would be shown through Ella. She is ordering food from the food truck on her phone, because lots of people do that these days. For knowledge, we also display it with the voting booth. People need to use their knowledge for who would be the best pick to vote for. Here is the photo from the exhibition.
Renaissance Tableau

Renaissance Tableau

For the Renaissance tableau, we had to incorporate the same 7 aspects of worldview. Forgeography, we reused the horse from the medieval scene, because it represent how people travelled. For time, we made a clock, because in the renaissance times people had thought of clocks, although the clocks told time by striking bells. We reintroduced the king into Renaissance times as well, because the king ruled the land, and they were valued by its people. The king would also hold a lot of power in the monarchy. We showed values through a food wagon because people valued food, but the wealthier people in the society were able to purchase more food. The wagon filled with food would be brought a long when they were travelling, pulled behind a horse. For beliefs, we made a bible that represents how many people were Christian, and a cross that the king was once again holding. The wagon would also show economy because wealthier people would be able to believe in more things. Lastly, we showcased knowledge as a painter because painting would require a vast and knowledgeable mind.

Renaissance Artwork

We started off by making our renaissance art chart and photo. This art chart took a long time, but it was worth it because it payed off. The Renaissance photo we made was created in Superimpose just like the medieval one I did. This photo took lots of work as we had to add each photo from our Renaissance art chart. The art chart I found was harder than when we did the medieval one, because it was harder to find the photos to include in it. However, I got it done,and it turned out well. I think next time I could work on making it less crowded because it looks as if everything is just smooshed into my artwork.

Renaissance Paragraph

Once we had completed this part of the project we wrote a paragraph to describe it. We focused on our topic sentences, and improving our writing from the medieval paragraph we wrote. My feedback on my medieval paragraph was describing my topic sentence in more detail, and I think I have achieved this in my second paragraph.

Power Play Post

We recently completed our Power Play project that focused more on the medieval side of things. The Power Play project has linked and helped us in this recent project because we learned many new things to help us with understanding this project. The many assignments we did helped us prepare for the learning ahead with this project. Here are some examples of things that helped me.

This was the Haudenosaunee project we did. I had trouble with this, which is why I was successful. I got a revision, because it didn’t clearly show my learning. I will not add the explanations I had to the pictures, because they are too long, but I will explain how it helped.

Revisions are probably the best thing that can happen. Of course you don’t want to get them all the time, but once and a while is good. When I got this revision, I was upset because I didn’t understand why. I reread the assignment, the criteria, the document, and I still couldn’t find anything wrong about it. I really wanted to get a check on this, so I just started all over again. Once I had read it multiple times, I really had an idea of how this could improve. I added way more detail, and then rewrote my explanation. This taught me if you put lots of work in, it will pay off, and you will be grateful.


As a part in our preparation for the tableaus and exhibition, we had to create a triptych. A triptych is a three panelled piece of art that shows three different things. Usually, there is something similar that carries out in all of them.


In the exhibition, we were required to have some sort of snack for the audience. We decided to have cookies. My mom volunteered to make 100 cookies. I am very thankful that she did this, as it helped our group tremendously. Carmyn nicknamed them ‘snowballs’ which worked.



This was the most stressful project yet. We completed assignments, made props, wrote scripts, and worked super hard. I thought that every single minute we put into this exhibition payed off. I am super proud of what my group and I have accomplished. Thanks to everyone who have helped us make the exhibition possible.

Keep your eyes open for the next post! Thanks for reading!


Drawing!? In Class!?

Do you like having fun? Well you should try drawing!

This past project in Maker, we explored an app called Sketches Pro. This app is great because their are so many drawing tools to choose from. You can use a blend tool, marker, and even a cutter, which can move a shape around, and change its size just by pinching it! To make this work, you just have to draw a circle around the shape or image you want to move. Usually, I really like drawing on paper, but this app expanded my horizons and made me enjoy drawing on my iPad. These drawings you will see show off the skills I learned, and the effort I put in to complete this project.

Name Art

The very first assignment we got was name art. We had to draw block letters, and make our name any way we want. Before we started drawing this, we learned about the different tools, and how to use them. I am a perfectionist, but I let loose with this drawing.  

 I used every single tool to make this drawing. Even though it might not look like it, I blended some of it out so you can’t see the certain tool. 


The next assignment we got was my favourite one. We got to create our very own emoji! We started off with the basics of circles, like shading them, and using different tools to draw them. 


Then came the actual emoji part. I chose this emoji: 🥰 . I am very happy with how this turned out, because I worked really hard on it. I think if I was to do this again, I would make the shading on the cheeks better to make it look more realistic. This was my favourite assignment because I loved how we could choose our own emoji, and draw it how we liked. 


We got to make our very own robot out of any shape. We started off by practicing shapes.  

These are my shapes. I chose to only draw three because these were the hardest for me. I practiced different kinds of shading- crosshatching, lines, and dots. It’s easier to draw the shapes if you can see them 3-D in your head. 


My robot was fun too because I got to carry what I learned about shapes into mydrawing.  I drew most of it just randomly, but I carried over my blond hair and blue eyes into my bot. 


We got to create our very own logo. I chose to draw a Christmas tree because I LOVE  Christmas so much. It says ‘Xmas for all’ on it because the logo is for a company that collects donations of money, toys, food, etc, and hands it on to families who don’t have enough money to buy those things. I recently did a giveback event with my soccer team. We came together with some other people, and we filled over 500 stockings with toys, books, bath-bombs, and candy canes for First Nation children around the province. This was really inspiring, so I chose to carry it into my blog post.

I learned many skills in this project including using all of the tools, figuring out the opacity, and size of the tool I’m using. I can now add new layers to my art without worrying about wrecking the other ones. I am very glad we did this project, because now I can use this app properly for other projects.

Thank you so much for reading, and keep your eyes peeled for my next post!

Power Play or How it Started

Do you want to know how I became a medieval art piece? Keep reading to find out!

The driving question for this project was “What can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?” We can learn lots from the past, such as learning about the societies. The Haudenosaunee and the Feudal system were societies, and they helped shape our nation today. Read more, because all these assignments helped answer the driving question. Learning about how different people lived really changed my mindset about the past. It must’ve been hard to live in that time period. Read more to see what’s up with the rest of the project! 

We explored many new areas in this project, and they all helped to make my final project the best it could be. 

The Book of the Lion

The book we read in this project is called The Book of the Lion. This book was set in the medieval times. I enjoyed this book, but I don’t think it would be my first choice. 

We started this project off by learning about how different societies were run. The ones we looked closely at were the Haudenosaunee and the Feudal. 

The Haudenosaunee 

We read a passage about the Haudenosaunee confederacy, the systems of government, the grand council, the clan system, and women’s rights in this time period. 

Our first assignment from the reading was we had to create something- a blog post, drawing, or MindNode to show our understanding and perspective of the Haudenosaunee. We then had to explain what our creation represented. I used sketches pro for this drawing. 

I chose to draw how the five nations came together to create one big nation. I handed in my drawing with two short paragraphs explaining how the 5 different societies came together to make one big society, and how I took perspective on the Haudenosaunee nation.  

I didn’t meet all of the criteria on this  assignment, so I got a revision sign. 🔄 

I reread the criteria, and made my thinking more clear. My revision came out much cleaner, neater, and it explained what I needed to fix.


Feudal System Window Notes 

While we were reading the passage about the Feudal system, we made notes on it in Sketches Pro. We had to have 5-6 points in each box, which I didn’t read, so I received a 🔄 on this assignment. I went back, read the criteria, and handed in my updated one that I had so many notes on, my writing ended up outside the 4 quadrants. 

Second Draft

First Draft


Shared Beliefs Pic and Reflection 

This felt like it was one of the harder assignments in this project. We did this assignment in class, and it was hard, because not everyone in ur group was helping. It doesn’t matter though, because not every person is going to work hard, and there’s always a couple of people who don’t contribute to the group a lot. I had trouble with this because I felt like I didn’t fully understand the assignment. I first submitted the work we did on the whiteboards.  

Once I had finished this, I got started on the question- what similarities do you see between the changes in Christianity and Islam? I finished this and was feeling pretty good until… 🔄. Again! I forgot to answer the SECOND question! I was frustrated and so I set off to answer question number 2! I was starting to write a very detailed couple of paragraphs in Showbie when my paragraphs deleted. From then on, I always write things in Pages before I put the document in Showbie. I spent a long time on this, and it was worth it because I got proficient! ✅   


 This is the pages document that I handed in. I answered the second one in full detail and in my opinion, it looks really good!

Artwork Choice Chart 

This was definitely the hardest part of this project. We had to create a chart with the 7 different aspects of worldview plus our main image, which was from the medieval times and from the app, Google Arts and Culture. The 7 aspects of worldview are geography, time, society, values, beliefs, economy and knowledge.

This was confusing because I didn’t understand how to do it. Once I had figured it out, all that was left to do, was fill in every box… seems like a lot. It wasn’t actually bad at all. I got into a groove, and all of a sudden the time flew by and I was done! I had to make a couple of changes once I had consulted Ms. Willemse, but I got back on track pretty quickly. 

Artwork Starring You! 

This artwork piece was the final product of all the assignments we did throughout this project. I am really proud of how this artwork came out, and it reflects how much work I put into it. This was hard, because we were learning how to use a new app. We started out by learning the basics of the app, and how to navigate all the tools. This app is called SuperimposeX.

The next step to making this was putting the photo in. We had to use the mask tool to remove the background form our image. The images we used from our artwork choice chart were the 7 images we inputted into our SuperimposeX document. We could choose where to put them, for example I put the crown on my head, that was taken from the image of King John in the society category. Once I had put all the images in, I just tweaked a few thongs and them I was set to hand it in.  

I was really proud of how this turned out, and it was worth all the other assignments, because I think it looks really good. 


This was a vey exciting project. It had lots of ups and downs, but I really liked how it turned out, and overall it was a super fun project. I think I have reached Proficiency in risk project because I have demonstrated how even if you get a revision, its not the end of the world, and you can still fix your mistakes. I have made so many mistakes in this project, it’s too many to count, but I kept on moving, and I think the final product looks good. I would definitely do this again, because it was fun for the most part, except for the revisions. Overall I really enjoyed this project, and learning how to use new apps. 

Thanks for reading! Keep your eyes peeled for my next post!


It’s The End Of The World As We Know It!

4 weeks of reading, 4 role sheets, hours of writing lyrics, and I end up with a music video.

In Humanities, our first project was called It’s The End Of The World As We Know It. The driving question for this project was “How can a text help me understand myself as my worldview is changing?” We explored many different assignments within this project, which all worked towards the music video we created at the end. 

We started reading The Outsiders to begin our project, and I was pushed into the world of Ponyboy. I wasn’t particularly interested in the book at first, we were meeting the characters and learning how they lived, but more I read, the better it got.    

Role Sheets

After we finished reading 3 chapters, we did a role sheet. The role sheet was a way for our teacher to make sure we were reading, and we discussed it with our group in class that day. We reflected after each discussion, and then handed it in to either get feedback, or get a check mark meaning that you did it properly. 

One of my favourite things we did in this project was my MindNode. Lots of people said it was hard but I liked it. This app in one I will definitely use in the future. It’s a mind map, where you can add on to it, but the app organizes it, so it’s easy to read.  

I worked for a long time making sure I had no spelling mistakes, and that it all made sense. I love how I can make it look super neat, becasue I don’t like handing things in that are messy. 






We  made this meme that was supposed to represent our groups’ western worldview. I do not think that we did a good job on this because it doesn’t really show our understanding of western worldview.

This was our description:

This meme shows western worldview because in our world our bank accounts are reliable. Some people are a lot more stressed knowing that their money is not safe, but the cat face shows that we are happy because our money is safe in the bank.

 Venn Diagram

This Venn diagram was something I did for the setting reflection. We brainstormed what is different about the 1960’s and now, and what is the same. I then explained how the text of the novel is still relevant today by writing this short paragraph.

The text is still relevant today because there are still gangs, and lots of violence. There are 434 gangs in Canada, and most of them are violent. These kids/adults need help, because some of the reasons they run away are that they lost their family, or their family is mean and doesn’t appreciate them.


Where I got my information.

But wait! Do you want to watch my music video?

First I will go through the steps to making the music video.

At first, we didn’t know that we were singing in a group, but we did know we were singing by ourselves. I DO NOT like singing, so I wasn’t very pleased about this. We hopped on the long twisty rollercoaster of making our song lyrics. I had trouble with this. I don’t know what it was, but I found it very challenging. I started off by printing the lyrics out to REM’s song It’s the End of the World as we Know it, and then I counted the syllables in each line. I thought long and hard about my transition from elementary to high school. I began with rhyming words, and then seeing if they sounded good together. 


I was ecstatic when I found out I didn’t have to sing by myself! Right away, the 3 of us combined our lyrics into one really good song. In my group, I was with Robin and Samual. As soon as we finished our lyrics, we jumped right into recording the song. We used an app called GarageBand to keep our vocals and the background music in.

Music Video Madness

Making the music video was stressful because there were a lot of different components to think about and include. We had to make our lyrics, record our group singing, and then add all of the photos in for the video part. It was a lot, so I had to find a way to make it seem like there was less. I just focused on what I could do in the moment, and not worry about everything else ahead of me. Once we had our song recorded, we  it into iMovie where we added all sorts of photos. The video was about our transition from elementary to high school, so we had photos of graduation, with our friends, baby photos, and more. 

The Best Part!

Although it took a lot of work, I am proud of the final outcome. In class we got to watch the Outsiders movie. We had to do a Venn Diagram while we were watching that was my Worldview against their Worldview. The movie was ok, but the book was definitely better.


This project went well for my very first project. Something I could work on would be keeping track of my work better. A lot of the time I was behind, so in the future, I will use Things more to manage my work. I think that our music video turned out really well, and I am proud of it. I have learned lots of new things while in this project such as using  like iMovie, GarageBand, and MindNode. I learned how to input recorded song lyrics into , and then record vocals on top of that. 

Thank you for reading! Keep watching for the next post!




We just completed a big project in Maker. The driving question for this project was ‘who am I as a PLP learner?’ In answering this question, we visited multiple areas including learning how to use multiple apps such as WordPack and Keynote. Within the apps, we discovered how to use the drawing tools, all of the features within the paintbrush ( in Keynote ), animation, and how to remove the background off of images. 


But wait! Before I get into showing my work, you should check out my YouTube video! You can find my YouTube channel here. That’s for my YouTube channel, but if you want to see my very first post, then watch it below:


We went through many small assignments to come up with the keynote presentation. The first one was making a Memoji. 

The first step was to make my Memoji. I chose my specific hair colour, skin tone, freckles, nose shape, and face shape. Once I had completed my Memoji, I revisited the criteria for this project. We had to use colour fill, an image from the web, image fill, gradient fill, removing the background from an image, adding an outline on a shape, and animating all stickers on my laptop.

This was a fun assignment for me. Despite all of the fun I had with this project, I definitely have some areas I could work on. One area that I could definitely improve on would be putting less stickers on my laptop. I had so many things I wanted to put on, that I couldn’t decide how to cut the number down. My favourite sticker on my laptop would be the soccer ball because soccer is my favourite sport. I am at the soccer field 4-5 times a week, and I love every minute of it.


My least favourite part of my presentation would be my user manual. I had trouble thinking about what to write, and I made some mistakes when I handed it in. I revised it, and came out with a user manual looking a lot better and that didn’t have the mistakes from before. The user manual is a guide to myself as a learner and as a person. If you want to learn more about me as a person, then go check out my    About me  page, where I show my full user manual! 


Reflecting back on this assignment and knowing that it wasn’t my favourite, I could definitely work on some things. I feel like I rushed this project, when I could’ve calmed down and been more thoughtful about it. 


I really enjoyed making my ‘I am’ photo. The criteria for this assignment was we had to take a selfie and then use our descriptions that we brainstormed before to write on our photo. These are my descriptions. I used these as a resource for which phrase I was going to use.   

I don’t really think I have anything to work on in this photo. I think I could probably make it cleaner and less crowded, but I think its pretty good.


I was really proud of my WordPack. The app WordPack is pretty easy to understand, including its functions and features. It is really self explanatory. Despite the fact that it didn’t take too long, I had a lot of fun creating my WordPack. I don’t believe that I can improve on anything because I didn’t create the shape. Overall, I am happy with the words, shape, and colour. 

The first step to making a WordPack is inputting the text you want. I used the ‘I am’ statements from above as inspiration for this. Then you get to choose the shape! I chose a butterfly because they are so elegant, graceful, and because it looked good with the colour and how it filled the page. The most exciting step is for last. Colour! You can either choose an already made colour palette, or you can design your own.


This wasn’t particularly one of my favourite parts of this project. I learned a lot within this project, such as colour fill, image fill, using and changing shapes from the shape library. Despite learning all of those helpful skills, the most important one was animation. I learned how to animate all 3 of my shapes. I now know how to spin shapes clockwise and counterclockwise, move shapes different directions, and change the intro and outro.

Reflecting back on this project, I think that I could’ve spent more time making the background better.   

Watch my fidgets:  First Draft       Second Draft



The Nike shoe we created was super fun! I expanded my skills in multiple areas, such as learning more about colour fill, the drawing tool bar, and adding shapes/images to it. We started this project by going through a presentation Mr. Harris created on Keynote. We explored how to use multiple skills throughout this process. This was very helpful because he explained how to use specific skills through activities he made in the presentation. We could edit the activities so we could try them ourselves. My favourite was the Nike shoe. 

I chose dark green for the main outline of the shoe, because it’s my favourite colour. I changed the colour of the stitching to white from black, so it stood out against the green. Lastly, I added a soccer ball sticker because soccer is my favourite sport! I really like how the whole shoe matches. 

I don’t think I could improve on this shoe in any way. I think that all the colours work together in a nice way. I like how the background matches          with the shoe.


I can use these skills in many places now and in the future. 

Making presentations will require using a lot of these skills. I will know how to use keynote, a reliable stable app to use for presentations. I now know how to embed a video into a presentation, acquire all the features in keynote, and much more. 

I can also be super helpful by teaching others all of the cool things I now know. I think that all these skills will come in handy someday, doing something random. Editing a video to post, I don’t have to think twice about how to do it, it just becomes muscle memory. 


I really appreciate everyone reading my posts. It means a lot, because I spend lots of time creating my posts, and all my work.

Keep watching for my next post!  

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