A day in the life of a Carl’s Jr employee: Reflection

Recently we were tasked with going to our parents work place and making a video about it, my dad owns a franchise of a fast food restaurant (Carl’s Jr) and my mom works as a psychologist online, little to say the choice wasn’t too hard. The video consisted on us gaining more information about what they worked in so we could possibly consider it  as a possible future career and reflect more about what we plan to do with our careers in years to come. We also had to explain, show and evaluate what we learned there. This seemed rather complicated as I’d never really participated in anything like this but I went to my father’s workplace with an open mind.



During my day there my responsibility to keep be safe while cooking was made very clear by the many videos I watched, these varied from lengthy animated videos of basic cooking safety to some simple games to encourage safety hygiene and how to spot health and safety violations and dangerous situations. But after finally stumbling through every single one of those videos I finally got to what I had been waiting for ever since take your kids to work day got announced, the cooking! I cooked and made many different menu items for myself which I expand about in the video (which I highly encourage you to watch) but overall this was a great experience which I believe could be my job from now until I get to college as it’s my Dad’s restaurant which would honestly make it much more enjoyable for me and it also does seem like a job that I would enjoy.

After a day of filming and cooking I got to what I believe was the hardest part of my day, the editing. This wasn’t a hard process as I had experience doing this in both run videos and my science news report. The real hard part was how long it took me to add music, add transitions and voice 0ver the video as I kept changing my mind on what looked well and what did not, but after a while I was able to finish it off. Finally after learning to cook all of this I had an interview with my father about what his job as owner consisted on. Overall I whole heartedly believe that this video went extremely well as the transitions might have been slightly repetitive but overall added a creative element which I think contributed really well to the final product. As long as footage goes I think I also did a great job as I managed to film all the things I cooked, made them look decently appetizing and filmed them from a variety of different camera angles although I think that the video was missing some shots that were actually creative and contributed to keeping the audience interested throughout the video. This same point was also added to by the fact that the video lasted a little too long because of the interview which was unedited and felt raw (which in this case felt like a bad thing) and dragged on for a little too long. All in all the video ended up looking and sounding absolutely great and it’s some of my best work because of it’s creative transitions, interesting dialogue and a lot of footage which made it feel more complete compared to some of my other work.

But after doing all of this I can honestly say that I could see this as a viable career option for me. I would personally not make this type of business my main focus but I would seriously enjoy owning a small fast food franchise while I simultaneously work as a lawyer at a law firm (which has been my biggest contender for a viable career option for almost two years now) as these places basically run themselves specially if they have been there for a while and are already popular in the area (I don’t have to put effort into offers and advertising). I also feel this way as even if I owned this place and worked on it full time I would enjoy what I’m doing and the pay is for the most part pretty good (I can also get more franchises/businesses if it goes well.

Overall as I stated previously I could see this as a viable career option for me as it offers good pay without even having to enter the place as it basically runs itself but for the time being I can only see myself actually going through with it if I’m using this as a side hustle while I work as a lawyer or whatever I actually decide to be my career in the future.



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