This is my avatar. I created it on the iMessage avatar creator. I am not one of those people to make their avatar all crazy and nothing like them. I am a simple person who likes simple things. I made my avatar as similar and as life like as me. This avatar represents me in a way of emotions. The expression on my avatars face is a look of surprise. In real life I am almost never surprised, except when I’m skiing and the lighting makes it so you can’t see any depth on the ground. As I already said, I tried to make my avatar as lifelike as possible. So it represents me by having my facial features and basically looking like me. I am a person who likes extreme sports and likes the rush of adrenaline. Some sports I love are downhill mountain biking and mountain climbing. Whenever I go out and climb I connect with myself and think about life, this avatar has lifeless eyes so it represents how I like to think about things within myself. The avatars expression is also surprised, when I do extreme sports I am taken aback, almost surprised.

If you guys want to create an avatar as beautiful and sticking as mine, first open up iMessage. (Sorry android users I have nothing for you) Once you’re in iMessage open up a text chain. Right below the text bar you’ll see a row of icons that you can interact with. The one that you have to tap is the fourth from the left. Tap it. Once you have opened that up, it will bring you to a menu of clip art emojis. At the top left of the menu you’ll see three dots lined up in a horizontal pattern.Tap that. When you tap that it will bring you into a second menu and give you four options. You need to tap the first one, it should say “new Memoji.” When you tap that it will bring you into an avatar creator. Have fun!!!


This blog post was about my avatar, how it represents my and how to create your own stunning avatar. I hope you took something meaningful from this post. Have a great day.