Our trip to Oregon

Our class went to Oregon for a field school it was amazing Oregon was beautiful and our class really started to get to know one another. While we were in Oregon we had two specific assignments one of them was to create an ad for a business in Oregon check out that reflection post here  and the other was to make a book about our visit to Oregon (the link to my book is at the end of this post) .We spent roughly seven days in Oregon each day different and exciting. During those seven days we did a lot . To not drown you in details  here are my top Three meals, learning experiences ,not immediate school related activities and moments with my teachers And classmates.

My Top three meals,

  1. Pig n pancake.  At Pig n pancake I had a veggie burger. It was delicious definitely the best veggie burger I’ve ever had.                                                                                                                                         
  2. Chalet. At the Chalet I had a really great quiche and salad, all the food there looked smelled and was amazing.
  3. Johns incredible pizza .Johns incredible pizza had really good food but I think the reason I liked it so much was because of the rides and arcades as well as the great food. 

My Top three learning experiences,

  1. The R.O.V challenge. All the things we learned at the Hatfield marine science were very interesting and fun but the R.O.V challenge was definitely my favourite. For the challenge we had to construct our own R.O.V’s test them and then compete against the other groups.
  2. Fort Stevens. I had a really great time at Fort Stevens. The tour we had at the beginning was very interesting and informative and I loved our first quest, even if we had a rough start our super group prevailed and made it back in time.
  3. The Colombia river maritime museum. I had a great time at the Colombia river maritime museum all of the exhibits were really interesting and there were lots of grand diagrams and replicas. 

My top three not immediately school related activities,

  1. High life adventures. High life adventures zip lining was very lively and exciting, all the lines were fun and I really liked how the lines gradually got faster, longer and higher.
  2. Peter ireldale . Our first night we explored the beach, watched the beautiful sunset, ate pizza and posed for a photo by a shipwreck is there any better way to spend an evening?
  3. Tillimook cheese factory. At Tillimook cheese factory I had a fun time learning about how the make cheese and taste testing Tillimook’s cheese.

My top three moments with classmates and teachers.

  1. Singing on the bus. There were many times when everyone started singing to a well known song it was really fun but sometimes hard all being on a bus together but moments like that made it fun and exciting being on the bus for awhile.
  2. Jumping over people at the Astoria column. After exploring the Astoria column many people in our class hung out by a hill below the column, a bunch of people jumped over one another and we all started running around and having a good time.
  3. A very weird podcast. On the way back home I was in the van and our teacher put on a podcast it was about a boy being convinced by a coach that there was a whole conspiracy theory and a secret society the coaches story’s had messed up the boy. Anyways while we were listening we had some interesting conversations and had fun listening to the very eerie podcast.

I had a great time in Oregon and really enjoyed  getting to know my classmates and teachers better. Thanks for reading have a great day, Kaia

My Oregon book.

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