Destination imagination regionals – reflection.

Hello and welcome back to my blog, last Saturday the 9th of march was D.I regionals. In this blog post I’m going to reflect on my experience at regionals and talk a little bit about how we reached our solution we presented at regionals. Let’s start at the beginning, my group for D.I was Lauren, Jude , Noah, and Zoe all of us the plumbobs were the fine arts team. Our challenge was to research a game, build a game gizmo and container that went through a change or transformation during the presentation ,the container also had to hold all the items we would use to benefit our solution, as well as technical element that was included in either our container or game gizmo and a skit to present our solution. For this challenge we chose the sims.

For our game gizmo we built a plumbob (the green diamond above the sims head),

here’s a video of the plumbob being built.


our container opened up and became our backdrop, and our story featured a sim that became fed up with being controlled and decide to revolt against the controller. ( That was a lot whew)  When we began we first went through the process of brainstorming and coming up with ideas and planning,


then we started dividing tasks. Some of my jobs were to do research, write part of our script, build the frame for our plumbob, paint part of the backdrop, help with props and to write the song for one of our team choice elements. Here is a clip of us painting a prop…


Fast forward about three weeks, at this time we had most of our challenge completed but we were still missing some key elements, including our technical element and we were lacking rehearsals, but luckily we pulled off what our teachers call a D.I miracle and got everything done and ready for Saturday. Saturday morning we arrived at school for regionals. There was a parade at the begging of regionals then regionals officially began. Our instant challenge ( the instant challenge is another part of D.I its a mini challenge that is minutes long ,  ex : building a tower or creating a small skit.) was at 10:00 so we had about an hour and a half to rehearse and watch other groups. At ten we went upstairs to complete our instant challenge, since the instant challenges are top secret until after globals I can only say a little bit. Well we did okay but we ended up messing up one part and the lady there reminded us and we ended up losing points for that , well in general it wasn’t our best work and I am very eager to have a second shot and to dominate, private schools we are coming for you ( not in a scary way ,that wasn’t a threat ). After our instant challenge he’d had another hour until our main challenge at eleven twenty. During that time we practiced and got to watch one of our classes other teams ,hummus . Then came the scariest part of the day, our main challenge,

Pretty much everything went according to plan, besides the plumbob , our cord was a little short and the code started to glitch or something and unfortunately it didn’t turn red, but besides that I’m super proud of our performance. I absolutely cannot wait to go to provincials, where we will have a edited version of our solution. After seeing our scores we know exactly what to do to create a better solution.

By editing our story, solving and improving our plumbob and rehearsing and rehearsing and rehearsing. See y’all at provincials,Kaia 

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