Hello everyone, today I’m going to be writing about destination imagination provincials !
Before you read this post I recommend you read my last one here. I also encourage you to check out my group members blogs, Noah, Zoe, Lauren, Jude On April ninth we went to Collingwood to compete in DI provincials. If you’ve read my last post you would know my team was in the fine arts category, game on.
So our challenge was to create numerous things including a game gizmo ( a character that changes throughout the presentation) a technical element, props, and a container to hold all of it. All of which themed to a certain game ours was the sims.
Unfortunately for us most of those required things were broken or missing. Our technical element wasn’t working and one of our team members were sick so we had to make do. The day before we were due to present our solution at provincials we created a makeshift technical element a pulley system that was powered by one of my group members,
it wasn’t the most impressive but I was very proud of my group and our problem solving. As for a missing team mate we switched characters around and spent most of the day practicing until we were sure we could present it. After all that work and improvisation I realized its never hurts to have a back up to your back up plan. Like I said earlier most of our day at provincials was practice, with some breaks to see my classmates presentations and of course to complete our instant challenge. Our instant challenge went really well and I’m really happy with our improvements since regionals. This time we focused a little more on sticking to the rules of the instant challenge and the creative components and it definitely payed off. Not much later it was time to present we were ready, we had been practicing all day and were so proud of our improvement since just the day before. We preformed our solution to the audience and everything went pretty smoothly, besides my confusion during our musical number everything went just as I imagined it would.
Afterwards all the stress, tears, and a lot of disagreements amongst my group we had made it and hadn’t murdered each other and in my opinion that’s a win. Throughout D.I , I learned so much about my peers, problem solving , the sims, and a little about disappointment and life in general. Especially about the part of life that doesn’t go you’re way. Destination imagination wasn’t easy and forced me to work hard and overcome issues and challenges. Even though at the time I didn’t realize it, I’ve come a long way since we began this project and not just became better in school but better at big parts of life. Including problem solving teamwork and the art of embarrassing yourself in front of a lot of people on purpose ( because it’s a necessity in life ) . Even though my life was chaotic for the last three months I honestly cannot wait for next year, thanks for reading my blog, Kaia
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