Take your kid to work day|Making my video.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, I recently posted about take your kid to work day, click here. This post is all about what steps I went through to make my video for take your kid to work day.So the video portion of this project was pretty independent I got to really practice demonstrating everything I’ve learned so far about film making in this Video. Which was really exciting because we kind of had a chance  To demonstrate what we know and how our video making skills have improved.

The pre production

The pre production for this video wasn’t super long because take your kid to work day was fast approaching. To prepare for filming we did come up with a plan so that we would end up with more footage than we needed rather than less. Here was my plan, with the shots I wanted and my planned interview questions.

This plan came very useful to refer to for the next step.


Next was a very important part of production which was of course filming. My day went really well and I got a lot of great shots for my video. The best place to hear more about this phase of the making of my video is in my first post (about the day itself.)



Post production

A few days after take your kid to work day I started by putting all my raw footage together. I then edited all the parts I didn’t need out , so that I could start adding transitions and start fixing any problems in the footage. After that I wrote my script for my voiceover and found music that would fit well with my video. After a few more last minute checks of the audio and some small extra editing my video was complete. Here it is.


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