Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, this post is all about the videos we’ve created throughout the first term of school. From the first week of school to now we have created ten videos, and have learned a lot from every single one of them. From my first video I made to now I’ve learned a lot of different things and am excited to reflect on how far I’ve come since the beginning of the year and how much I’ve grown especially when it comes to our curricular competencies. We started off our video making journey by beginning with the basics, after learning a little bit about how to make our videos we made our first video in maker.
The four shot video.
Unfortunately I was absent for this video, but heard a lot from my classmates and know this helped them with working on shots and angles to film from. Their knowledge ended up benefitting me for our second video of the year.
Ghost town video.
Our ghost town videos ,were videos we filmed during our Alberta trip. We filmed this horror film at a ghost town we visited. While making this video I learned more about the Pre Production stage of making a video. This was the first time we truly planned ahead, making a screenplay and storyboard for our video which ended up being really important because we only filmed at that location once. This video helped me improve my video making skills and got me to focus on the importance of the Pre Production stage in the making of a video. Understanding the importance of making artifacts such as a screenplay led me to become a better knowledge constructor, because I began focusing more on setting myself up for success with notes and pre organized knowledge.
Drumheller documentary
The next video we created was also filmed in Alberta. This video was a surprise, we didn’t know we were making a video until a few minutes before our task was set. Because we had a time constraint we didn’t make a screenplay or storyboard. So I chose my favourite exhibit at the really interesting palaeontology museum and began filming. I then added voice overs and was lucky enough to track down a employee to get a interview. This video didn’t turn out the best. Because the lack of a plan but also because I was nervous. Even if this video wasn’t the best it taught me a lot about video making and how to be able to work in a variety of environments. This video displayed to me the importance of having a plan but also showed me how much room I have for improvement in the sense of shots, audio and of course in editing. Even tough I wasn’t a very good computational thinker in this example. This video taught me how not to be one and I started to understand how to solve problems when you’re making videos.
Alberta video.
While in Alberta we filmed interviews and got footage for this project,(which you can read about here.) about Alberta and how that land impacted a certain group of people. As soon as we got back we edited and created our videos. And I completed the video above. My Alberta video turned out pretty good is work I’m truly proud of. As my second individual video, I was really impressed with what I created. Looking back at it now I know it could’ve been better with different shots and a more creative types of transitions, but it really was great work considering my knowledge at the time. I learned a lot about editing during this project, mostly because I suffered from some technical difficulties. Because I had issues getting my video put together I got extra practice and ended up really improving my ability to record consistent audio and make clean transitions. In this project I started to work more on my ability as a empowered learner and started to meet and achieve in video making, as well as became so much better at post production.
“Run” remake.
Later on In maker we made our video #4. A video that was the remake of another. (Read about that here) for this video we had to make a carbon copy of the original short film. This was especially challenging because we had to copy pretty professional video makers. This video went pretty well but could’ve gone better, but most importantly, This video taught me quite a bit about video making and improved my abilities as knowledge constructor, because unlike our other videos for this video we had time for all stages of the making of our video, Pre Production, Production and Post Production. Because we completed all three in great detail we were especially prepared for every part of making this video. This video helped me become a better creative communicator as well. Because I was communicating with my group to complete each task we had due in all stages of the making of our “Run” video.
French Revolution video
This video was part of our recent project about how ideas drive change, (read about that here.) Our French revolution video was one of many videos we would make about revolutions. This video was our first of its type we had made, a music video. Because of that my group focused most on the music and forgot our video a little bit. The problem with this video wasn’t only our focus on music but our lack of a plan and most importantly our Pre production. With this our video would’ve been much better. Due to to that it didn’t turn out the best. What I learned from this experience was how to be a good creative communicator in a group but also I learned the importance of being a knowledge constructor and setting myself up to succeed with certain notes to help me plan ahead. The problem with this video wasn’t only our focus on music but our lack of a plan and most importantly our Pre production. With this our video would’ve been much better.
American Revolution video
Our American Revolution videos were also a part of our humanities Revolution project. For this video we also tried making a new type of video, John green style. Which is basically animation mixed with narration from a host. This was the first time we had mixed the two, and that led to some complications. First of all we had very little experience with choosing great background and also found combining the two a little confusing. This was because we had never planned this type of video before and didn’t know what or how to prepare ourselves for the production stage of this Video. Even if I didn’t do the best in this Video I’ve learned a lot about this style of video and also how to be more of an innovative designer, because I now know more about this video type, and I could use it in the future to create a very informative and “driving question answering” product.
Russian revolution video.
This video was also part of our humanities project, for this video we also made a different type of video. A type of video which is similar to a heritage minute. This video was really fun to make, because we got to act and film some cool scenes. Out of all the videos of that one Revolution project This one went turned out the best. Because at this point we had learned and grown to become pretty good creative communicators, discussing everything and determining everyone’s roles and jobs. As well as that this video helped me improve my skills as an empowered learner in general because Mine and my groups organization and everything , (pre production ,editing) improved in this video turned out working really well, and showed me what direction you have to truly take in a group to make a “driving question answering video” .
Final revolution video
Our final revolution video was the last of our videos we made for that one project. This video ended turning out pretty good. We planned ahead fairly well, but some ideas we had fell through and we did rush a little to finish all of the animations shown in this video. Even though we were rushing to get this video done I think the audio portion (the song) was really good. This video helped me to become a better innovative designer because we created those animations with a time limit. I got better at creating small animations faster and creating images in general faster as well.
Take your kid to work day
The last video I’m going to mention in this post is my take your kid to work day video, in this video I filmed a day with my dad who is a realtor. When making this video I looked at it as a chance to show my growth as a learner. I really wanted to show my teachers that I can be an empowered leavening and make a really cool video. Which in my totally unbiased opinion I kind of achieved. This video for me showed what I learned, different shots, angles, editing, audio. For this video I made sure I had planned ahead and also set goals for myself to complete the video. I think this video really turned out great, and gave me a chance to use what I’ve learned throughout term one. And be a empowered learner and express what I’ve done.
Throughout this term I’ve learned so much. Whether it was something specific like audio or certain angles or something as simple as communicating in a group I feel I’ve come a long way when it comes to my video making skills. Thanks for visiting my blog, Kaia
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