A Podcast Project.

Hey everyone, and happy almost Halloween. The last few weeks in PLP 10 we’ve worked on our very first project of the school year, Project Podcast.

The driving question for this project was “How might I create a trailer for my podcast which informs, inspires and entertains.” Before we were able to make informative, inspirational and entertaining podcast trailers we had a lot of learning to do… 

                              We began Project podcast with a launch. 

Our first milestone was all about the storytelling side of things. In many ways podcasts can be looked at as a compilation of intriguing stories. (KEY WORD intriguing) So we had to practice telling stories in an exciting and overall entertaining way. We worked on our story skills by either making up or telling a true story to a peer. While we told the story we recorded ourselves, the recording we then handed in to our teachers. This milestone was all about being a creative communicator, using technology and media to convey your ideas to somebody. Attempting to creatively communicate my story really helped me figure out what I would need to improve for my podcast trailer. This milestone helped me realize that I could really work on making my voice more engaging and improve the order in which I tell my story, to really grasp someone’s attention.

Who am I, and what’s Identity???

Next we focused on another main topic within this project, identity. What does identity have to do with podcasting you might ask? Well since our podcasts will include aspects of our identities its important that we have understanding of what exactly they are. 

To understand identity and ourselves we worked on milestone two. In milestone two we wrote all about identity using examples from our own. Included in that post was a GIF that incorporated a double exposure and animated symbols. 

Reflecting on identity and thinking about my own identity really got me thinking about who I am and what I’m passionate about, which roved to be very useful in the next milestone. I also found in this milestone I was able to be a better creative communicator because through this activity I was able to use different tech and images to explain my identity definition. 

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. 


Thirdly we began a very important step in this project, our podcast plans. This plan included everything about our podcasts, the name, target audience, theme and overall style. Before I began my plan I tried looking at other podcasts. Looking at podcasts like Lackluster, Hysterical history, and Smartless. Helped me see various examples of how I could create my own podcast. Taking some of the aspects I really liked from other podcasts and my topic: my family stories. I was able to put together my podcast plan, and truly begin building “Relative Recital”

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