Scimatics|correlation vs causation 📊

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, this post will be about our latest project in scimatics, correlation vs causation. The goal of this project was to understand the difference between correlation,( two subjects thought to be related and have something in common.) and causation,(two things known and proven to impact one another.) As well as how to collect data and represent the results in a correct and well organized way. Before we started the project itself we had to understand correlation and causation as well as how to make good surveys, and understand what types of surveys, people and questions we would use to make our project successful. To understand everything we needed to know for this project we completed some text book activities, while we worked on building knowledge, I started to improve and expand my math vocabulary as well as got a better understanding of the goal of our project in general. This activity/section of the project helped me understand a majority of what I needed to know for this project as well as helped me improve in one of our assigned curricular competencies that had to do with math vocabulary and knowledge.

Later on created a mindnode about everything we learned from them. Here is my mindnode since the beginning of our project I’ve updated it to what I know now.


After creating our mindnode we created some survey questions, for the surveys we would soon create. Here were my ten questions.

After this, I created my correlation survey, click here to view my survey. This part of the project helped me understand how to create surveys better because I got a lot of experience from making the surveys because I made multiple to get my results.

Once I got all my results. I started making my graphs and scatter plots in search for correlation and causation between my questions. After some time I found correlation between your amount of siblings and grade average and causation between grade average and the amount of time you spend on your phone. We then made our presentation (a keynote) and then presented our project in front of our class, which went pretty besides a few issues including a malfunction in one of our scatter plots. 

From this project I’ve learned many skills and facts that have helped me reach or improve at the main curricular competencies of this project . For example I’ve learned how to gather data efficiently and represent it in many types of ways. I feel I’ve also expanded my mathematical vocabulary and can communicate and present data while using the correct terms. I feel like there’s still a lot more room for improvement in these topics but I’ve learned how to represent and talk about everything we’ve learned about pretty well. Thanks for reading my , Kaia

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