
Welcome to my first science blog post! Our driving question was how can our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health? This unit consisted of 3 keystones (a field journal, immune system character cards and a vaccine fear infographic) and then a final product (a health poster).

First the field journal. Before completing this keystone, we also learned about the cell theory and examined several different things under microscopes. For the actual field journal, everyone swabbed a commonly contacted surface(s) and put it in a Petri dish. Unfortunately I was away sick when this happened, but my AMAZING teacher, Ms. Kadi, made one for me! Over the next few days, we observed the growth of the little microorganisms, recording it in our field journals. Here is my field journal:

Kaia-Field Journal

Next the immune system character cards, one of my favourite projects. After learning about the innate and adaptive immune systems, we created a character card for 5 different cells: white blood cell, macrophage, B-cell, T-cell and antibody. I used Procreate to draw my characters and Canva to combine them with the info. One information we had to include was where they ‘live’, so I chose to make it like an address. When making up their street numbers (the first numbers of an address), I tried to find a creative reason for their numbers. For example, the Macrophage’s number is 812, because it sounds like ‘ate one too’ (which is exactly what they do) or the B-cell, 123, because they create antibodies so first there’s 1 antibody, then 2 and then 3! Anyways, here are my character cards:

In the third keystone, we created a infographic about a vaccine controversy or a reason why some people are hesitant to get vaccines. I worked with Esther (thank you for being an amazing partner!) and we did ours on government control, focusing on microchips and DNA being changed. We worked together to find information and Esther wrote our paragraphs, while I did the graphic designing part on Canva. Here is our infographic:

Finally, everyone created a health poster, with a catchy slogan and at least one of the pathogen drawings made by an elementary student. Using Canva again, I first did the layout (with a green aesthetic), then added my slogan and other text and the green pathogen drawn by Emily (thank you!). This was my other favourite project from this unit and the project I’m most proud of along with the character cards (if not more). Here it is:

In conclusion, this was a very interesting unit and I learned a lot! That’s all for this post!

Kaia out ♥︎

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