Welcome to another Humanities post. Our past unit was about colonization and the driving question was: What did European settlement mean for all involved? This sector had 3 keystones which consisted of an art-chart, a re-interpreted image (along with another art-chart) and then the script for our AR video, the final project.
For Keystone one, our guiding question was: What changed about European powers’ worldview? We learned about the Europeans’ and the Indigenous’ views on each other and how the Europeans looked down on other cultures outside of Canada or even beyond North America, the fur trade, and making inferences from images, which led to our first Keystone. We picked an artwork (by C.W. Jefferys) from a list, and then filled out two charts about it. The first chart was more explicit observations, through the 5W’s. The second one was implicit, including the focus, symbolic qualities and messages. I found the second one slightly harder, because I had to look at characteristics like size or colour to determine what the artist was trying to convey. Here is my art-chart for the artwork “Arrival of the Brides at Québec”.
Keystone two’s essential question was: What were the consequences of the European powers’ change in worldview at the time? We learned about and examined the motivations and results of European settlement. Then, using the same artwork as earlier, we reinterpreted it, changing the focus or perspective and incorporating the cause and consequence. Though I knew I wanted to make it from the perspective of the women, les Filles du Roi, it was hard to think of ways to show what I was trying to represent. Next, we had to fill out a chart that explains our images and the changes. In the end, I am pretty happy with how my re-interpreted image turned out. This is my re-interpreted image and the art-chart for it.
In Keystone three, the essential question was: What are the consequences of colonization today? We learned about treaties, wars and changes of land possession. For the video script for the final product, we had to use our images, and all the learning to answer the driving question. At first I found it a bit hard to get started, but once I got all the information and notes I needed, it was easier to turn it into a word-for-word script. I think that it answers the driving question and includes everything necessary and I am overall pretty happy with it. Click below for my video script.
Finally, we created the actual video. First I recorded the speaking part of my video, using the script. I did one paragraph at a time, so that I wouldn’t have to re-do as much if I messed up. Then, I used AR Makr to place my images on a real life surface and filmed the images, with my recordings playing in the background so that I could get the timing right. Next, I combined the audio and the video into iMovie, and adjusted the volume and time of it. To make the title, I used Keynote, then exported it as a movie and added it to my project, along with part of a music track on iMovie. This is my final product.
In conclusion, though it is answered more thoroughly in my video, the main groups involved were the Indigenous peoples and the Europeans, mainly affected by greed, ethnocentrism and religion. In Europe there was inflation, which meant that the rich became richer and the poor became poorer. In North America, Europeans experienced increased demand for raw materials and had strict rules from the Mother Country of what they could do with them. Most women were sent by the king of France and had more freedom, but a hard life. The First Peoples suffered from loss of land, culture and rights, and both the Europeans and the Christians tried to convert them to their ways. Nowadays, consequences from these factors and events still exist, like Canada’s economy, the mistreatment of First Peoples, and racism and Christianity rooted in our society. Overall I learned a lot from this unit and that’s all for now!
Kaia out ♥︎