Oh Look! I Made An Ad!!

Yellow everyone! This blog post is about the project that I have been working in for the past 5 weeks!


Check out my team mates blogs! They’ll have posted about this too; Silas, Charlie, Jessie, and Brooke!

The driving question that the PLP learning team has been working to answer for the past month or so iiiiiiis… “how does what we hear, read, and see influence us?” The question will be answered at the end!!

Milestone #1: Historical Media Analysis, when it all started.

This milestone was fun, but difficult at the same time. I had to answer a few questions, and it normally takes me a LONG time to come up with good answers. This project took me almost an hour, if not more.

So basically, what this project was, is that I had to find an old ad, and answer a bunch of questions for it, questions like “Who created this message?” And “What techniques are used to attract my attention?” Or What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message?” And many more.

What my Historical Media Analysis looks like:

Photo source

Milestone #2: Individual Ad + Reflection, when I REALLY started PLP

Now this milestone was just fun! 

So this project, our teachers got a bunch of companies to agree to let us make an ad for them (we aren’t getting paid sadly) and the first step is to create many drafts until it gets approved by our teacher. 

Then, we need to create a reflection which in my opinion, was the hardest part of this entire assignment. I have a lot of trouble reflecting on something I don’t think I have much to reflect on. Or even if I do have something to reflect on, I find it to put it down on paper.

The first draft:

Yikes… many thing that I can improve on…

The last draft:

Of course, there are still many things that I could improve on, but it look like a liiiiitle bit more like an ad than the first draft, and I say thats an improvement!

Milestone #3: Final Ad Conference, last but definitely not least.

If I’m being honest, this one was hard, harder than most of the other milestones, mostly because I didn’t know it was a thing until the day it was due, so I literally had 5 minutes to come up with the answers to the questions, and as I’ve said before I find it hard to answers a question without much time, but of course, thats my fault. But the questions were still relatively hard-

What I think that I did well was the recording and how I did it on the first try, what I could definitely do better, is gotten it done earlier, that goes for ALL of these milestones.

My answers to all of the questions:

How did you contribute to your final advertisement?

– I contributed to the final advertisement by sharing my ideas, and then if they don’t work out, I critique & support my team members ideas.

What are you most proud of?

– How many ideas I came up with. I also like how I worded the slogan, “‘tis’ the season to give something unique!” In my opinion, it really sounded like a professional ad slogan.

In what ways did this project allow you to question what you hear, read, and view the world around you?

– This project has made me learn to appreciate ads interrupting my YouTube videos, and distracting me at bus stops and making me miss my bus, because now i know how much effort, and how many drafts go into making a professional advertisement.

My final group ad drafts!!

And the moment we’ve all been waiting for; the answer to the driving question, “how does what we hear, read, and see influence us”

It influences us by making us appreciate thing thing that we hear, read, and see more, now that we understand how much time, effort, and thought goes into one small piece.


Thanks so much for reading my blog today, thanks for tapping in, but I’m gonna tap out!


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