A Summary of My Semester – mPOL 2023

Now first things first, what is an mPOL? Well, an mPOL is essentially the worst form of torture that you can inflict on any PLP student. Just kidding (somewhat)! “mPOL” stands for “Mid-year Presentation of Learning” (I think lol), in simple terms, an mPOL is a reflection and summarization of the previous few months.


The driving questions for this terms mPOL are:

  • How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?
  • How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

I will be answering those at the end of the presentation/blog post :’)



Shall we take a quick look at my Learning plan?


Reflection time (unfortunately)! Let’s discuss Maker!

1. Vibrant Video: https://www.blog44.ca/kailanim/2022/11/14/vibrant-video/

2. Your First Film!: https://www.blog44.ca/kailanim/2023/01/03/my-first-film/

3. Finding Fun With Videos: no blog post required!

4. Stop Motion Viral Video: no blog post required!

5. Growth Mindset Selfie: no blog post requeired!


The assignment that was my favourite and I was most proud of would be the Final Video from the project “Stop Motion Viral Video” :’) I got to utilize my animation and artistic skills in this project, although yes it might have been late, I’m still very proud of it!

My least favourite assignment and the one that I was least proud of would probably be Your First Film – Final, from the project “Your First Film” lol

I left everything until the last minute, I didn’t even complete it, the only thing I did on it was the interview. I also used being sick as an excuse not to finish it, I’m not proud of myself for that, and I can’t say I would do it again. Although I am somewhat happy with what I did do, I think that the questions I asked, and the way I edited it was more than adequate.


Next up, Humanities!


1. The Power of Geography!: https://www.blog44.ca/kailanim/2022/10/28/geography-from-the-comfort-of-seycove-secondary/ (incomplete blog post)

2. Storm the Barricades: https://www.blog44.ca/kailanim/2023/01/05/the-storm-barricades-russian-edition/

3. Full Steam Ahead: no blog post required (? there’re no showbie spot)!


The assignment that was my favourite and I was most proud of would have to be the Revolutions on Trial Script from the project “Storm the Barricades”!!

My teammates were either not there, or not helping, so I had to do the majority of it myself (which is a rare occurrence). I took my time, I didn’t rush through it, and I put a lot of effort into it. Not only did I make it accurate to the situation, but I also managed to sound good as well!


My least favourite assignment and the one that I was least proud of would probably have to be the Book Creator Versioning from the project “The Power Of Geography”, this is a perfect example of when I didn’t put in enough time or effort into an assignment, it was the final product too, I just feel as though it was a bit rushed!



Last but most definitely not least, science (science is my all time favourite subject)!

1. Life As We Know It!: incomplete blog post :’(

2. Handle With Care!: https://www.blog44.ca/kailanim/2022/11/10/handle-with-care/

This project was about climate change, bio accumulation, and what we can do to help undo the damage that we as humans have inflicted on the earth.

3. Exiting Electricity!: incomplete blog post :’(


I would have to say my favourite science assignment and the one that I’m most proud of would have to be keystone #3: PSA (I have no clue what that stands for my apologies lol) from the project “Handle With Care”. What is this “PSA” you might be asking yourself? PSA was an assignment where we had to use this website to make “fake instagram posts” with info about some of the topics we had covered previously in science.

I think that Cameron and I absolutely knocked this one out of the park, and Ms. Kadi seem to think so as well, because she gave us a 🌈 (grade for extending)!! I think put in as much accurate information as I possibly could into the assignment, while also doing little to no research, which shows I was paying attention during class, as well as taking some notes. Not only that, but I put some relavent and appealing media into them as well. I also did 3/2 fake instagram posts, Cameron only did 2!


I would probably have to say that my least favourite one would be Keystone #1 Food Web. It was also in the project “Handle With Care”




And now, the moment that all of this has been leading up to, the answering of the driving questions! Yes you head me right, questions, PLURAL!


  • How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?

Well, for one, my grades! my grades have improves VASTLY compared to last year, according to my last report card, I’m a straight B student. I think that I’ve been able to manage my time a bit better, that shows through the fact that I’ve handed in the majority of things on time into showbie.


  • How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

Unfortunately, this is my last day of anything PLP related, so there’s not much revising of the Learning Plan that I’ll be doing. Although if I was staying in PLP, I would take everything that I’ve improved on this year, and make it an even bigger goal, a challenge if you will. You know what they say, “you can’t get better at anything without a challenge”… or something like that.



Thank you so much for checking in, but unfortunately, this will be the last time I’ll be checking out! Thank you so much for an amazing year and a half.

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