K.O. Pizza, “Our Pizza Packs a Punch!”

I was partnered with my friend Cameron!

Milestone one: driving question

So the first thing that we did was we actually MADE our driving question! Our teacher gave us a template, “How can I design a _________ for maximum surface area/volume?” And then we had to fill in the blank, this is what we decided to do: “How can I design a pizza and pizza box for maximum volume?”


Originally, we were going to make a circular pizza box, but then we decided that that would be to hard, so we went with a pizza! And then we decided we’d also make a pizza box, but it wouldn’t be circular lol


As usual, we all went and did a buncha workbooks, and then FINALLY, we would get to the good stuff!


Milestone 2: model and formulas

I didn’t do this very well I don’t think, I misunderstood the assignment and then didn’t know how to fix it, so I just left it as is. I did get a ⛅️/☀️ Which isn’t horrible, but I can probably do better next time…

anyways, here’s what it ended up looking like :))


Milestone 3: calculations

so, I’m going to be honest here, I didn’t do a lot of the work for this assignment, it was mostly cam, I didn’t know that we were supposed to do individual calculations. I mean, I did note down all the measurements for the pizza and pizza box, although he took those measurements and calculated the surface area, volume, ratio, etc.

heres what it ended up looking like (sorry for the endless wall of math lol)

Scimatics Design Challenge

Surface area

Top of pepperoni A=πr2=π·1.912≈11.401 x 7 = 79.807
Side of pepperoni
C=2πr=2·π·1.91≈11.969 x 0.1 = 1.197 x 7 = 8.379
Pepperoni 79.807 + 8.379 = 88.186

Top of Cheese A = πr2 = π·11.052 ≈ 383.457 – 79.807 = 303.65

Bottom crust A = πr2 = π·11.052 ≈ 383.457

Pizza 88.186 + 303.65 + 383.457 = 775.293



Pepperoni V = πr2h = π · 1.912 · 0.1 ≈ 1.14 x 7 = 7.98

Cheese V = πr2h = π · 11.052 · 0.3 ≈ 113.887

Bottom Crust V = πr2h = π · 11.252 · 0.89 ≈ 354.269

Ring of Crust V = πr2h = π · 122 · 2.38 ≈ 1074.425 – 944.319 = 130.106

Pizza 7.98 + 354.269 + 113.887 + 130.106 = 606.242


Surface area

Top of Bottom of box 27 x 27 = 729 – (13.5 x 2 + 26 x 2) = 650 (squared)
Sides of bottom of box 27 x 0.375 = 10.125 x 4 = 40.5 (squared)
Bottom of box 27 x 27 = 729 (squared)
Bottom of box 650 + 40.5 + 729 = 1419.5

Top of front wall .5 x 27 = 13.5 x 2 = 27 (squared)
Front of front and back walls 27 x 2.5 = 67.5 x 2 = 135 (squared)
Back of front and back walls 27 x 2.5 = 67.5 – (2.5 x 2) = 62.5 x 2 = 125 (squared)
Right and left of front and back walls 0.5 x 2.5 = 1.25 x 4 = 5 (squared)
Front and back walls 27 + 135 + 125 + 5 = 292

Top of Left and right walls 1 x 26 = 26 x 2 =52 (squared)
Left and right of left and right walls 26 x 2.5 = 65 x 4 = 260 (squared)
Left and right walls 52 + 260 = 312

Bottom All flaps 0.2 x 26.576 = 5.3152 x 3 = 15.946 (squared)
Right and left of all flaps (front and back for front) 26.576 x 1.284 = 34.124 x 6 = 204.744 (squared)
Front and back of all flaps (left and right of front) 0.2 x 1.284 = 0.257 x 6 = 1.542 (squared)
All flaps 15.946 + 204.744 + 1.542 = 222.232

Top of top of box 27 x 27 = 729 (squared)
Sides of top of box 27 x 1 = 27 x 4 = 108 (squared)
Bottom of top of box 27 x 27 = 729 – (5.3152 x 3) = 713.036 (squared)
Top of box 729 + 108 + 713.036 = 1550.036

Pizza Box 1419.5 + 292 + 312 + 222.232 + 1550.036 = 3795.768



Front and back walls 0.5 x 27 x 2.5 = 33.75 x 2 = 67.5 (cubed)

Right and Left walls 26 x 1 x 2.5 = 65 x 2 = 130 (cubed)

Bottom of box 27 x 27 x 0.375 = 273.375 (cubed)

All Flaps 0.2 x 26.576 x 1.284 = 6.825 x 3 = 20.475 (cubed)

Top of box 27 x 27 x 1 = 729 (cubed)

Pizza Box 67.5 + 130 + 273.375 + 20.475 + 729 = 1220.35


Milestone 5 (there wasn’t a milestone 4 for some reason): presentation

Our presentation ended up going really well!! A lot better than I thought it would, I would import the video of Cam and I presenting, but I forget how to TwT

I wish that we had practiced a little more, I was stuttering a lot and needing to constantly look at the presentation to read the words, instead of making eye constant with my audience, I will certainly do better on that next time.

Anyways, if anyones interested, here’s our presentation!!

Scimatics Design


Milestone 6: blog post

I don’t have much to say on this one since you know, you’re reading it right now!!


IT’S TIME FOR THE MOMENT YOU’VE ALL BE WAITING FOR!! The answers the the driving question!!

Question: “How can I design a pizza and pizza box for maximum volume?

Answer: Well, we didn’t actually end up meeting our goal, which was to maximize the volume, id say that the pizza is probably maximizing the volume, but it was probably the pizza box that messed it up a little. We could’ve made the walls a lot thicker, which yes, would increase the surface area, but it would increase the volume even more.


Thank you for reading my blog post!! I hope y’all will have a lovely day <33


Ahhh DI… every PLP student’s worst nightmare…

“What’s DI?” you may be asking yourself! Well, lemme answer your question. “DI” stands for “Destination Imagination” Let me elaborate! Around the beginning of the year, we were assigned to complete a challenge. My group was composed of: Tom, Luca, Makai, Jupiter, Julia, and Judah (although Judah  opted out about halfway through it due to personal reasons), and our challenge was “Fine Arts”. We all had to work together to make a fine arts play, based off of a trickster (I have to admit that we never fully decided who we based the trickster off of but uhhhhh)!
Posted in DI

Tell Me, How Do You Feel About Coding?

HOW CAN THE BEHAVIOUR OF MATTER BE EXPLAINED BY THE KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY AND ATOMIC THEORY” is what todays driving question is! By the end of this blog post, you will have my honest answer to this question.


This project was about coding, and atoms (specifically the kinetic/molecular/atomic theory). So basically, we had to make a game using Scratch, (which is a coding website for kids) that would explain the kinetic/molecular/atomic theory.

As always, we started this project with “a project start MindMap”. I’m not sure if I explained what a MindMap is in one of my prior Sciematics blog posts, I’ll just explain it again. So basically what a MindMap is, is something to keep track of your thoughts. For example, in the middle there will be “mind mapping”, and over to the right there will be a branch with the title “pros” and over to the left is a branch with “cons” and then off of those branches, there will be more branches with the pros and cons! I’m not sure if I explained that very well, but here is my MindMap:

I hope that help you understand a bit better!


Next, same as always, we read a bunch of textbooks, and completed bunch of workbooks, which is one of my least favourite part of any sciematics project TwT


This was the plan for my game:


My game uses a carbon atom. It will be a pong game with 3 levels, easy, medium, and hard. Although instead for calling them “easy, medium, and hard” I will title them “solid, liquid, and gas” and I will add an optional level titled “plasma” which will be next to impossible. In the menu page, I will make it so that you will be able to click on a level of your choice, although you have to complete each level to complete the game (except for the plasma level which is optional, and is just an extra challenge). Once the score hits 30 the game will suddenly cut back to the menu and you will choose a different level. As the levels rise in heat, the pong ball (also known as the molecule) will speed up. I might decide to add in 1 extra atom for liquid (2 atoms in total), and 2 extra atoms for gas (3 atoms in total), and then 2 more atoms and make the paddle a little smaller for the plasma level (3 atoms in total + smaller paddle).

The mechanics of the game is fairly simple, you would just drag your mouse across the screen to move the paddle, the paddle will be at the bottom of the screen, if the ball touches anything on the bottom of the screen other than the paddle, you would get transported back to the menu. Plasma would be the level where the ball is going extremely fast, and solid would be the level where the ball is going extremely slow.

Sadly, most of this didnt happen. I did manage to make a functional png game though!


if you want to play my game, click on this link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/671139103


It’s time to answer the question now!!




Thank you so much for reading my blog post! I’ll see you in my next blog post :3

My Disastrous Adventures At Loon Lake!!

Hi hi! It’s Kai!! It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these hasn’t it! I lost motivation to write these blog posts for a hot minute there.

Okay, so my class, and a class a grade up from me all went to Loon Lake, together, and it was absolute CHAOS. Y’all may not know this but I have a deathly fear of vomit. Like, really deathly. and so a ride on a school bus with a bunch of carsick high schoolers would be a no-go for me. So my parents (I love y’all) free’d up their afternoon so that they could drive me aaaaaall the way to loon lake (I think it was an hour and a half drive from where we live?). I got to do my favourite thing the entire way there, draw! I got a bunch of commissions done which was good, considering I wouldn’t be able to do that most of the time at loon lake :]

I think I was about 15-20 minutes late (as usual) so I had no clue where I was supposed to go. I hugged my parents goodbye and sent them on their way, and then proceeded to look for a teacher so I could ask for directions. They told me to find some wifi and look at the schedule, which wasn’t going to be that easy considering my iPad was dead. I managed to find a plug somehow and looked at the schedule. After that I had little to no trouble finding my dorm! I was in the student centre south, my roommates were Brooke, Susan, Gwenyth, and Kira!

here’s a photo of my dorm (taken by Susan):

(Featuring Brooke lol)

We started that day off with a forest walk, and since the forest trail was across a little shallow part of the late, we got to tow ourselves over with a pulley ferry or whatever we called it. So basically, there was a rope that we had to pull to get ourselves across the lake. It was wet, and it was FREEEEEZING. Not all of us helped because we didn’t want to get wet and cold, I helped because im a living heater and there was no way I would get cold. I did get cold, just my hands, but still!! Once we finally got across the lake, we had to find and take photos of stuff like a pinecones, twigs, and leaves, which were really easy to find, I mean, we WERE in a forest! But then there were things that we had to find like animal tracks, and squirrels (they were hibernating when we were at loon lake), which were much harder to find, we didn’t find any :/ We finished our walk, and luckily we didn’t have to pull ourselves across the lake again, I hate having cold hands, we just went around the lake.

Here’s some of my favourite photos that I took on the photo walk ^^

(Photo of the pulley ferry thingy)

I we only had dinner that day, I don’t remember what we had, but I do remember it was delicious! As was all the other meal that we had, the cooks were great!

here’s a photo of one of the dinners:

Pretty much everyone’s favourite part of the day was evening fun! We had 3 (well, I think there was 4 but it can’t remember that the 4th one was ;-;) options, play basketball in the gym, play board games in the yew (I think it was the yew), and hang out in out dorm lounge! You can probably guess which one I picked, option 3! I hung out with my friends in the longe, laughed, drew, etc, it was really fun! I’m glad that that was one of the options 🙂

Finally time to wind down… and… it was the most chaotic part of the day (for me at least), one of the people in the dorm beside me threw up. And they didn’t want to tell a teacher. One of my other friends also has a deathly fear of vomit, worse that me which is kinda hard to beat. We were panicking. All the people in my dorm made the mutual decision to inform one of the teachers of what had happened without yellowing the person that threw up.  A teacher came to take them to a place where they could isolate (because vomiting is a symptom of covid) while they waited for their parents to pick them up. By the time that they got picked up, we had to go to sleep, how was I supposed to sleep when someone in the dorm next to me just threw up?? Well, I think I managed.

The next morning, I had nearly forgotten the fiasco that had happened the night before. I had breakfast with my friends, again, I can’t remember what we had once again, I just remember that it was freaking amazing.

The rest of the week was pretty normal, same things every day (not that its a bad thing of course ^^), we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we had evening fun, we did DI, nothing extremely eventful happened, it was kinda just like PLP schooling but in the forest lol.

By the 3rd day (Wednesday), my parents picked me up after meeting up with my advisory group, we had agreed that since I have separation anxiety, I would only have to stay for 3 days. I’m honestly kind of sad that I didn’t stay for the last day (which would only be a half day anyways).


So yeah! That was My Disastrous Adventures At Loon Lake! I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post, until next time!

Get Ready to Reflect!

Here are the driving questions for this blog post:

  1. How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?
  2. How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end off this school year?

So there’s this thing called an “mPOL” which stands for “Mid-Term Presentation of Learning”, A.K.A., the source of my stress!!

We all start somewhere, so I will show you where we started! You may not have heard of these apps, but all of P.L.P. has heard these words enough times per day to support a lifetime! “Basecamp” and “Showbie

Continue reading “Get Ready to Reflect!”

I’m A Poet And I Know It!

Working with words driving question: “Why might I construct text that shows who I am right now?

For this project we had to write 8 different poems about worldview!

Those 8 poems were:

  1. Simile Poem – 10 lines, describe your worldview with similes
  2. Haiku – 3, show a change in the third line results from a shift in your worldview
  3. Found Poem – choose a text that reveals something about your worldview that is at least 50/100 words, cut in half, write 3-5 sentences at the end showing how you changed the original text
  4. Imagery Poem – using alliteration and assonance, 10-15 lines, describe a part of your worldview that you haven’t discussed before
  5. Sound Poem – 10-15 lines, what is the sound of your worldview
  6. Experience Poem – 15-20 lines, using denotation/connotation, mood, and a specific theme, describe an experience that shaped your worldview
  7. Personification Poem – 10-15 lines, personify worldview itself (this could be your group’s poem or you can write your own)
  8. Self-Portrait Poem – 25-30 lines, who are you?

To see those 8 poems, click the link bellow to read my eBook!

My Worldview Poems eBook

And just for fun, heres a poem I wrote about gender dysphoria:

“Everyday I feel a little less at home

Stuck in this body, that I would not call my own

These pronouns, 

These simple little words,

They burn a hole in my heart every time they are heard

This feminine waist,

This feminine chest,

This feminine face

Is all I have left.”

And now to answer the driving questions! “Why might I construct text that shows who I am right now?

My answer:

“Making my own text makes you really have to think about who you are, I may even discover a new part of myself.”

Thank you so much for tuning, but I’ve gotta tune out!

In the power vested in me, I pronounce you…. A photographer!!

We switched around a lot when it came to teams but one of the main people I worked with is my friend Cameron!

This project is title “Herzog” after the great German photographer Fred Herzog, one of the first famous photographer to use colour film in the 1950’s. Herzog was born in a gorgeous city,  Stuttgart, Germany, he was known for his beautiful street photography. If your haven’t already guessed what this project was about, it was photography! I thrived in the project, I love photography!

Continue reading “In the power vested in me, I pronounce you…. A photographer!!”

My journey to become a PLP learner!

Yellow everyone! This blog post is about the project that I have been working in for the past 5 weeks!


Check out my team mates blogs! They’ll have posted about this too; Silas, Charlie, Jessie, and Brooke!

The major question that the PLP learning team have been working to answering for just over a months now is “how do I contribute to the PLP learning team?”. I hope that this blog post will help you and myself understand what my answer is.

Continue reading “My journey to become a PLP learner!”

Oh Look! I Made An Ad!!

Yellow everyone! This blog post is about the project that I have been working in for the past 5 weeks!


Check out my team mates blogs! They’ll have posted about this too; Silas, Charlie, Jessie, and Brooke!

The driving question that the PLP learning team has been working to answer for the past month or so iiiiiiis… “how does what we hear, read, and see influence us?” The question will be answered at the end!!

Continue reading “Oh Look! I Made An Ad!!”