Atomic habits is an accomplished book by James clear that articulates how you can change you’re life with just small changes and how the big things will fall into place. We read this book as a class and we had discussions on what our takeaways from the book will be. The main thing I learned from the book is that I shouldn’t just say I’m going to start going to the gym but instead make it a part of my identity and say I am a person who likes going to the gym. 

My artifact I made for this project was a video about the habits and how they connect to volleyball. I designed this almost like I was a car salesman in a really fast commercial slot where I had to rush everything and wanted to captivate my audience. Throughout this project I was extremely busy outside of school with sports a minimum of 5 times a week and little amounts of remaining free time. I decided to incorporate that into my work too with as a part of my artifact I talk about keeping maintained calendar so i could stay motivated. I did include a quick screenshot in my video of a few of the calendar times (I removed my personal section for  privacy) and even making that background shot has helped me be prepared for my day to day. 

While reading the book I tried to implement a lot of his ideas but the only thing that stuck with me was changing identity and not changing you individual habits. I did change a bit while reading the book and that’s all I can ask for and I do think I changed for the better. 

I followed up really well with staying on my phone after 11 pm which was one of my biggest goals. I struggled with sleep and not getting enough of it and now im asleep by 1130 at the latest if I have something that keeps me out.

I think this project was really beneficial and it will stick with me for 

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