The 2021 Winter Exhibition

At my first PLP winter exhibition, I was nervous for how it might go, but in the end I think my group did very well on our Outsiders-themed tableau. Here is my overview and explanation of what happened.

First off, what is a Tableau? A tableau is kind of like a freeze frame. To start off a Tableau, the actors will get on stage and perform a short and usually silent skit to give context for the Tableau. Professionals sometimes don’t even use a beginning skit. 

The tableau’s that the PLP team performed were based off of different scenes from a very famous book called ‘The Outsiders.’ Our Tableau’s scene was the drive in scene, the characters included were Marcia (Caden), Cherry (Frankie), Johnny (me), Pony (Ronan), Two-bit (Kadin), and Bob (Tom).

We set up our environment  using black sheets to cover up bookshelves and various props.

Here are some photos of us doing that

(Our concession stand prop being set up)


(The cineplex sign) 

(A panorama of us setting up)

Some things that could have been done better/more efficiently could have been how long our introductory skit was. It was much longer than most of the other skits that other groups did. Another thing that we can learn from and improve upon for next time was our ability to convey specific emotions. Though it was good at the beginning, I believe it drastically improved the further we got into the exhibition. One thing I wish we had done better was our set design. Though I did quite enjoy the way it turned out, I still wish we had had more fun with the set design

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