The Final Part of SLC’s

Thank God! The final part of SLC blog posts!! For this final segment, I will present you the work that shows that I have developed a growth mindset. I’m almost positive that almost the entire class will use the same thing, Destination, yes you guessed it, Imaginantioin. Or D.I. For lazy people as I said in my blog post based solely on D.I. I don’t know why you would, but if you wanna read it here’s the link:

Destination Imagination, or D.I. For Lazy People

I think this proves I’ve developed a growth mindset since at the beginning I thought it was really stupid and pointless but by the end, I was getting pretty into it. Once we started meeting after school it started to seem pretty fun. At the start of the project, no one was really working but about 2 weeks before the tournament we started to crack down and embrace the challenge of D.I. and found ways to make it fun such as working while listening to music. And just in general it started to seem kinda fun since most of it ended up being who could come up with the most ideas for the project. But hey guess what, WE’VE REACHED THE END OF THE SLC BLOG POSTS!!! HALLELUAH! But this was done over the weekend so really, SLC’s aren’t over, I still have to present this on Monday, oh god, help me.

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