SLC’s Part 2

Okay, time for part 2, The Piece of Growth, for me that’s gotta be my advertisements from term one. Here’s the link if you want to read in detail about the actual project, not just how this is one of the projects I chose for SLC’s: The End Is Finally Here

I chose this project for the one that shows growth as a learner because, well first off it definitely allowed me to take criticism from classmates and teachers and it also allowed me to recognize how much work actually goes into what seems to be a simple project. Here are the ads that I created:

As you can tell my first drafts were horrible, and the final drafts might actually be able to pass as actual professional ads, which is good because that was the goal for the end of the project. This also shows growth because I’m used to projects that were only allowed to be done one way, but with this project, there was still a lot of criteria, and I mean a lot, but it was loose criteria, you could manipulate it and do what you wanted with the project to make it yours. The ads also had to tell a story, which was really hard at first, but now that I’ve got the hang of still images telling stories, that skill will definitely help me with projects to come. Good for me, and you, it’s time to move onto the final post to do with SLC’s, ONWARD!

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