Field Hockey Provincials

Yes, I know this is late but I thought I would just mention that the reason I wasn’t able to participate in Take Your Kid To Work Day, is because I was at AA Highschool Provincial Field Hockey Championships. Or field hockey provies. This may come as a surprise to some since this is only Seycove’s second ever time at provincials. The road to BC’s was crazy, losing to Collingwood, beating Windsor and Rockridge were all fun, not so much losing to Collingwood though. The best part was travelling to the island and playing LFA and GNS in a mini tournament to play for the wildcard spot in provincials. We beat LFA in the first game 1-0. Then we had to play GNS. This was hard considering we knew nothing about them. We ended up winning 3-0, but the first goal of that game was scored by yours truly and I have to say it was the most stressful thing of my life since it was off a penalty stroke but it turned out well in the end. Winning those two games put us in provinicials. Last year, we managed to snag fourth after losing to SMU. This year we played SMU twice, the first game we played well against them and were able to tie them. I’ll tell you about the second game in a bit. First game had a good ending, a    5-0 win. I was too distracted by something else that had happened, MY ONE MONTH OLD 400$ STICK GOT SNAPPED IN TWO!!!!!! I was so mad, sad and just overall in bad shape, the win helped me cope though.


However, that tie against SMU put us in second in our pool, onto the crossover games. We ended up losing to J.L. Crowe. It was hard but we still had the chance to medal. The only thing is, we were playing SMU again. Man, I thought the game alone was stressful, but by the end of regulation time, the score was still tied at 0-0. We take them to shootouts. Our shootout lineup, Emma Menchons in net, Sarah Lynn, Lina Herron, Me, Charlotte Davis and to top it off, Kendra Kerr. We’re shooting second. Emma saves the first shot, Sarah scores. They miss again. Lina misses. SMU gets their first goal. I score. Another one for SMU. Charlotte misses. They score again. Kendra is able to score and tie it up. I guess that first shoot out wasn’t stressful enough so we go into a second round, this time, suddene death. If they score and we aren’t able to tie it up, we’re going home once again without a medal. We’re shouting first this time. Lineup has changed, Sarah first, me second, Kendra third, Charlotte then Lina. Sarah scores. SMU ties it up. I score, Emma runs off her line at the girl who’s shooting for SMU, shooter drags and shoots, Emma dives, fully stretched out, and makes the save. Seycove goes home with a provincial medal for the first time in school history, not a bad feeling.

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Our story, as well and Collingwood’s, who placed second, was big enough to make the North Shore News. Once again, not a bad feeling at all. If you’re interested in that article, click Here.

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